2009年08月10日 15:12 新浪教育
The top five most popular tech-related reasons for not doing homework: 五个不做作业最流行的科技借口: 1 My computer crashed and I lost it。 电脑死机了,我做的作业(因没有保存)丢失了。 2 I finished my homework but then I deleted it by accident。 虽然我已经完成了作业,但后来不小心把它删除了。 3 I could not print it out。 打印机坏了,作业打不出来。 4 My internet was down so I could not do any research。 网断了,我没法上网查资料。 5 I lost my laptop。 我找不到笔记本电脑了。 Worst tech-related excuses: 史上最强科技借口: 1 My dad's computer was hacked by the Russians and they stole my homework。 我爸爸的电脑被俄罗斯黑客入侵,他们偷走了我的作业。 2 A burglar stole my printed-out homework along with the computer。 有个贼把我打印好的作业连同电脑一齐偷走了。 3 The PC exploded when our dog went to the toilet on it。 我家的狗狗把电脑当厕所,结果把电脑弄炸了。 4 I accidentally tipped a bottle of cider over the computer and it broke。 我不小心把一杯苹果汁洒在电脑上,电脑就坏了。 Worst non-tech excuses: 史上最强非科技借口: 1 My mum put my homework in the washing machine, and then burnt it as she tried to iron it dry。 我妈妈把我的作业放进了洗衣机,而后她想把作业熨干,但却把它烧毁了。 2 The wind blew my homework into a pond, and then a swan ate it。 一阵风把我的作业吹到池塘里,而后它被天鹅吃掉了。 3 My brother drove off with my homework in his lorry, and then he lost it in France。 我哥哥开着货车连带着我的作业一齐走了,而后就把作业落在了法国。 请看相关新闻: In the old days, pupils' homework was late because it was eaten by the dog or accidentally stuck in the washing machine--but that was before the advent of the internet。 若干年前,学生迟交作业就会寻找诸如“作业被狗给吃了”、“卡进洗衣机里了”等等的借口,而这些借口不过是互联网时代之前的产物。 PIXmania.com--an online electrical retailer--surveyed 1,000 teachers as part of the research. It found the average teacher hears three homework excuses every day。 网络零售商Pixmania公司对1,000名老师进行调研后说,老师们平均每天都会听到三个交不出家庭作业的理由。 Some 70 per cent of teachers noticed an upsurge in the number of pupils blaming technology for not doing homework。 大概70%的教师注意到学生们越来越喜欢用技术故障作为迟交作业的理由。 It comes as schools encourage pupils to complete more work on PCs and laptops--and store essays on specially designed school websites。 这样的理由源于学生更多地鼓励学生们通过电脑和笔记本完成作业,并将作业上传到指定的学校网址。 The computer crash has overtaken the family dog's appetite to become one of the most popular excuses for pupils who have not done their homework, according to a survey of teachers。 通过对老师进行调查,“电脑死机”已经取代“作业被狗吃了”成为最流行的迟交作业的借口之一。 According to the study, the most common excuses for late homework include "the computer crashed", "the internet was down", "a printer failed to work"。 研究显示,迟交作业最流行的借口包括“电脑死机”、“互联网断了”、“打印机坏了”这些借口。 But Sue Cooke, assistant head teacher at high-performing Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, said: "Initially I think teachers were more likely to believe technology related excuses but we are definitely wising up to their tech trickery。 英国萨里郡的沃灵顿文法学校的副校长苏· 库克说:“起初,老师们确实比较听信这些与高科技相关的借口,但现在他们已经熟知了学生们的这些欺骗技俩。” "We are having to become more tech-savvy ourselves so that we are able to offer the kids advice to assist those who are genuinely having problems with their computer." “为了能帮助那些真正遇到电脑方面问题的学生,我们必须让自己更加精通技术。” The Government has encouraged pupils to use the latest technology at home and in the classroom to complete school work。 政府鼓励学生们在课上和课外使用最新的科技来完成作业。 This year, Gordon Brown pledged £300m so the poorest families could connect to high-speed internet at home. According to the latest study, some 68 per cent of pupils are now submitting school work typed on a computer。 戈登·布朗今年拨出三亿英镑资助贫穷家庭以帮助他们实现在家高速上网。最新调查研究显示,大约68%的学生都通过电脑提交作业。 But researchers said this made it easier to blame technological faults. However, teachers are still seeing through many excuses。 但研究者们表示,这也让学生们更容易把科技的问题作为借口。不过,老师还是能看穿许多借口的。 According to the study, the most extravagant reasons for late homework included a computer being hacked by Russians and a PC exploding after a dog urinated on it。 调查显示,迟交作业最奇特的理由包括:电脑遭到俄罗斯黑客的侵入,家里的狗狗在电脑上撒尿,把电脑弄炸了 网友评论
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