2009年08月12日 18:41 沪江英语
Features to Look for in Business Hotels 商务酒店的特征 Sure, they all have beds and a bathroom (we hope!) but when it comes to business travel, all hotels are not created equal. Check out these features that might come in handy before you book your next hotel for business travel。 当然了,每个酒店都有床和浴室(我们是这样希望的),但是商务酒店并不都是一样的。在你下次定商务酒店的时候,这些技巧可能会派的上用场。 1.High-Speed Internet in Your Room 房间内有高速的网络 Whether it's wireless or via an Ethernet line, in-room Internet service is essential for staying on top of emails, working on presentations and curbing on-the-road boredom。 在房间里有网络服务,不管是无限网络还是以太网, 对发邮件,工作还是打发时间都是很重要的。 2.Business Centers 商务中心 Need to fax or print something? Lost your computer and need to get online? Though not available in every hotel chain, a business/office center can be indispensable for on-the-road workers。 要打印、传真文件?丢了电脑,想要上网?即使不是每个连锁酒店里都提供网络服务,商务中心对每个出差的职场人士来说也是必不可少的。 3.Room Service 客房服务 Yes, it's expensive and not always good (or good for you), but when you're tired from a long day of meetings, the last thing you want to do is drive around town looking for something to eat. At the very least, you'll want the hotel to have some sort of mini-mart where you can pick up water, soda, and small bites to tide you over。 是的,客房服务很贵,并且不一定总是好的,但是在你开了一天冗长的会议后疲惫不堪时,你最不愿做的事情就是开着车到镇上去找吃饭的地方。至少,你会希望酒店有小型超市让你可以买一些水,饮料,食品来填饱肚子。 4.Workout Facilities 锻炼设施 After too many nights of said room service meals, you may notice that your pants are feeling a little snug . Stay healthy on the road by checking yourself into hotels that have some sort of exercise equipment。 在享受了几个晚上的客房套餐后,你会发现自己的裤子有点紧了。在你出差途中,会通过在酒店的锻炼设施上作运动来保持健康。 5.Shuttle Services 往返服务 Avoid having to take a cab or rent a car by booking rooms in hotels with shuttle service to/from the airport。 为了避免要坐出租车,定那种提供包接送到机场服务的酒店。 6.Location 选址 Do some research before you travel, so you can find a hotel in the best location relative to your meetings or the airport, depending on your schedule。 在出差前做一些调查,这样才能根据你的行程,订到离会场或飞机场最近的酒店。 7.Concierge Service 门房服务 Available generally in major cities, concierge service can help you with everything from finding a restaurant to flagging a cab。 一般在大城市都有提供,门房服务可以帮你处理从找旅馆到打出租车的一切事情。 8.Conference Rooms 会议室 If you need to prepare for a large presentation, or just need a place for a team to work before a meeting, a conference room can be helpful. In addition, if you require significant time to set up before a meeting or have lots of samples, you might want to have clients come to your hotel for the meeting instead of schlepping large items around town。 如果你要做一场大的陈述的话,或者需要在开会前找个地方开展团队工作,这时会议室就很有作用了。另外,如果你在开会前需要大量的准备时间,或者你有很多样板要演示,你可能会让客户到你的酒店,而不是带着那么多的大样板满城镇转。 网友评论
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