
http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月20日 16:40   英语点津
Giant cupcake: Baked over the course of 12 hours, the gigantic cup cake was made from 200 pounds of flour, 200 pounds of sugar, 200 pounds of butter and 800 eggs。(Agencies)
Giant cupcake: Baked over the course of 12 hours, the gigantic cup cake was made from 200 pounds of flour, 200 pounds of sugar, 200 pounds of butter and 800 eggs。(Agencies)

  A 4ft cupcake weighing a hefty 1,224lbs has been officially recognised as the world's largest by the Guinness Book of Records。

  Unveiled on Monday, in Detroit, Michigan, US, the enormous cake - with a whopping circumference of 11ft - was over eight times bigger than the previous record holder。

  Baked over the course of 12 hours, the gigantic cup cake was made from 200 lbs of flour, 200 lbs of sugar, 200 lbs of butter and 800 eggs。

  When covered with frosting and custard, the one-of-a-kind dessert boasted 2,000,000 calories. The brainchild of American firm Gourmet Gift Baskets, the cupcake smashed the previous record of 151 lbs set on July 20.

  Appearing at the Woodward Avenue Dream Cruise Classic Car Show in Detroit, proceeds from the sale of the cupcake went to cancer charity Passionately Pink for the Cure。

  Ryan Abood, CEO of GourmetGiftBaskets.com, assembled a cupcake "dream team" including master-baker George Algarin to begin making the cake on August 12, five days before the scheduled unveiling。

  "We started off with a goal of a 7,000 lb cupcake but fate intervened on Friday morning when the baking was supposed to be complete," said Mr Abood。

  "The huge 8x8ft oven was opened and we found that the weight of the expanding batter crushed one of the main convection tubes blowing hot air into the heart of the cupcake causing cup-cake to collapse."

  Luckily, the team managed to avert disaster by rustling up a cake with only half a day to go, still managing to beat all other cupcake records in the process。

  An adjudicator from Guinness had flown in from London, especially to measure the cupcake and announced the record to a crowd of hundreds at the motor show。












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