伦敦小偷倒往游客兜里“扔钱”(图)Visitors to London always have to be on the look out for pickpockets, but now there's another, more positive phenomenon on the loose -- putpockets.
原来去伦敦的游客都要提防被人“掏兜”,而现在,尽可以把衣兜都张开了,没准会有人往里放钱呢。这个“扔钱”活动主要由20名前“扒手”实施,他们每天游走于特拉法加广场、伦敦中心区广场等游客密集的景点,然后在游客不注意的时候将面值5英镑到20英镑不等的纸币偷偷放进他们的口袋。为该活动提供资金支持的是伦敦一家宽带提供商,他们表示这样做是想用特别的方式让人们在经济不景气的时候感受到生活的美好。据悉,此次伦敦“扔钱”活动会持续到八月底,至少会有10万英镑被偷偷放进游客的口袋,之后可能会在英国全国范围内推行。 Visitors to London always have to be on the look out for pickpockets, but now there's another, more positive phenomenon on the loose -- putpockets。 Aware that people are suffering in the economic crisis, 20 former pickpockets have turned over a new leaf and are now trawling London's tourist sites slipping money back into unsuspecting pockets。 Anything from 5 pounds ($8) to 20 pound notes is being surreptitiously deposited in unguarded pockets or open handbags in Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden and other busy spots。 The initiative, which runs until the end of August in London before being rolled out countrywide, is being funded by a broadbrand provider, which says it wants to brighten up people's lives in unusual ways。 "It feels good to give something back for a change -- and Britons certainly need it in the current economic climate," said Chris Fitch, a former pickpocket who now heads TalkTalk's putpocketing initiative。 "Every time I put money back in someone's pocket, I feel less guilty about the fact I spent many years taking it out." London's police have been briefed about the plan, which will see at least 100,000 pounds given away。 网友评论
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