

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年08月24日 11:06   东华大学外语学院分团委学生会


  London Great Exhibition in 1851 is considered to be the first world expo. It lasted for 160 days. More than 10 countries and 6,300,000 people attended it. It was held in the Hyde Park in the center of London. The exhibition hall was made of steel and glass, so it was called ‘the crystal palace’。


  In1900, the world expo was held in Paris which was named ‘the aggregate of the century’. It displayed all the achievements of western countries in the whole 19th century. And the world- famous Eiffel Tower was the memorial of this expo. Moreover, because of the Industrial Revolution after it, this one was a peak of the world expos in the early 20th century。


  One of the most special world expos in history was Chicago World Expo in 1933, due to its two originality. Firstly, it was the first time that world expo had a definite theme. Secondly, some big enterprises, such as Ford, Kreisler, began to hold specific exhibition halls in the expo which was welcomed by entrepreneurs and visitors。


  The first world expo held after the Second World War was the one in Brussels in 1958. It made people get out of the shadow of the war and restore the hope of future. Its theme ‘scientific civilization and humanitarianism’ showed that the focus of the world expo changed from technology to humanism gradually. Also, a huge atom structure model in the expo symbolized the wish of people’s using atomic energy safely and peacefully. 


  The world expo in Osaka in 1970 attracted most visitors up to now. At the same time, it was the first expo held by the Asian country. These two reasons made it very significant. And as for Osaka, it strongly pushed the improvement of the transportation, industrial facilities, tourism and cultural communication, and brought large benefits to economic development and layout in Japan。

  And we hope 2010 Shanghai World Expo can also be a great success and an important milestone。


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