

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年09月01日 13:02   新浪教育


  Exciting part-time job experiences used to be something you could tell your classmates about after summer vacation. This year, however, a lot of college students have only a sunburned nose to show their buddies instead of stationery from a big company or a gadget they bought with their extra pocket money。


  "You couldn't just look for an office job with air conditioning this summer. Finding a good part-time job is harder than getting into Tsinghua," said Cui Lu, 19, a sophomore in public administration at the Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering. Cui worked as a waitress at a Pizza Hut in the downtown area, earning only 4.50 yuan an hour。

  “今年夏天,你不可能找到那种光是在办公室吹吹空调的清闲工作。要找一个好兼职简直比上清华还难。” 沈阳航空工业学院公共管理专业19岁的大二学生崔璐说。暑假期间,崔璐在市中心的一家必胜客打工,时薪只有4.5元。 

  Many of Lu's classmates were also getting a dose of realism: "They shifted their attention to trivial things like promoting supermarket specials or distributing leaflets on the street."


  The floundering economy had an impact on the "decent" jobs out there and students had to get their bare hands dirty. When things get boring and the pay is less, students explain, you really need to motivate yourself just to get something out of a simple task。


  Zhao Gang, 19, a junior in marketing at Zhejiang University of Technology, worked as a laborer in a soft-drinks factory in Hangzhou. He just waited for a machine to pack a set of bottles, then carried them to a truck. Zhao worked eight hours a day for 1,000 yuan a month。


  But he got more than a bunch of moved bottles. "During the summer holiday, to get more customers, we were always promoting some activity or using some pop star to attract young people, so I paid attention to the labeling of the bottle to see how it changed with the market," said Zhao, "I also paid attention to where they were going to understand the logistics and the pricing."


  Those who didn't want to waste their time on what they saw as trivia, tried to find other opportunities. The Internet was one. Huang Shaowen, 21, a junior in mathematics at Zhejiang University, earned 2,000 yuan designing a logo for a food company in Chongqing last week. He bid on the deal through zhubajie.com, a website that opens job offers up for bidding。


  "Some tasks were very simple, renaming a restaurant, say, where you might only get 50 or 60 yuan, but if you kept on doing this, the results weren't small," said Huang。


  According to Chen Ning, a counselor at Zhaopin.com, students can expect the gloomy part-time job situation to last for some time. Still, students need to know what to look for in a job, no matter whether it's for making some spending money, putting their textbook knowledge into practice, or just avoiding boredom。


  "Before you choose any part-time job, even the most basic, you have to think about what you want from it. Assembling computers can help you understand computer science more. Selling detergent in a supermarket can make you more extroverted," said Chen, "If you lose sight of your aim, it`s just a boring task."



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