

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年09月08日 14:52   考试大


  Paid bloggers fit just about every definition of a microtrend: Theirranks have grown dramatically over the years, blogging is an importantsocial and cultural movement that people care passionately about, andthe number of people doing it for at least some income is approaching1% of American adults。


  The best studies we can find say we are a nation of over 20 millionbloggers, with 1.7 million profiting from the work, and 452,000 ofthose using blogging as their primary source of income. That’s almost 2million Americans getting paid by the word, the post, or the click --whether on their site or someone else’s. And that’s nearly half amillion of whom it can be said, as Bob Dylan did of Hurricane Carter:’It’s my work he’d say, I do it for pay.’

  我们所能找到的最好的研究显示,美国博客作者总人数超过2,000万,其中170万人从中营利,而45.2万人以博客写作为主要收入来源。将近200万人通过设置关键词、发贴或是点击量得到报酬--无论是他们自己网站的点击量还是去点击别人的网站。也就是说,像鲍勃•迪伦(BobDylan)在歌曲《卡特飓风》(Hurricane Carter)里唱的那样,将近50万人都可以说,这是我的工作,我干这个就是为了挣钱。

  This could make us the most noisily opinionated nation on earth. TheInformation Age has spawned many new professions, but blogging couldwell be the one with the most profound effect on our culture. Ifjournalists were the Fourth Estate, bloggers are becoming the FifthEstate。


  What started as a discussion forum for progressive politics and newtechnologies has now been applied to motherhood, health care, the arts,fashion, dentistry -- and just about every other imaginable area oflife. What started as a hobby and an outlet for volunteers is becomingbig business for newly emerging sites, for companies that now dependupon their reviews and for the people who work in this new industry。


  Demographically, bloggers are extremely well educated: three out ofevery four are college graduates. Most are white males reportingabove-average incomes. One out of three young people reports blogging,but bloggers who do it for a living successfully are 2% of bloggersoverall. It takes about 100,000 unique visitors a month to generate anincome of $75,000 a year. Bloggers can get $75 to $200 for a good post,and some even serve as ’spokesbloggers’ -- paid by advertisers to blogabout products. As a job with zero commuting, blogging could be one ofthe most environmentally friendly jobs around -- but it can also bequite profitable. For sites at the top, the returns can be substantial.At some point the value of the Huffington Post will no doubt pass thevalue of the Washington Post。

  从人口统计学的角度看,博客作者的受教育程度极高:四分之三的人为大学毕业。绝大多数为白人男性,收入高于平均水平。三分之一的年轻人说自己写博客,但成功地以此谋生的博客作者仅占2%。每月唯一访问者达到10万左右才能实现年收入7.5万美元。一篇好的博客文章报酬可能在75美元至200美元之间,有的博客作者还充当“代言博客”--广告商付费让他们为产品撰写博客文章。由于这样的工作完全不需要上下班通勤,因此写博客没准是世上最环保的工作了--同时也可能带来丰厚的收入。顶级博客站点的收益相当高。在某种程度上,博客网站Huffington Post 的价值无疑超过《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)。

  The barriers toentry couldn’t be lower. Most bloggers for hire pay $80 to get started,do it for about 35 months, and make a few hundred dollars. But asubgroup of these bloggers are the true professionals who work atcorporations, serve as highly paid blogging consultants or write forsites with substantial traffic。


  Pros who work for companies are typically paid $45,000 to $90,000 ayear for their blogging. One percent make over $200,000. And theyreport long hours -- 50 to 60 hours a week。


  As bloggers have increased in numbers, the number of journalists hassignificantly declined. In Washington alone, there are now 79% fewerDC-based employees of major newspapers than there were just few yearsago. At the same time, Washington is easily the most blogged-about cityin America, if not the world。


  Almost no blogging is by subscription; rather, it owes it economicmodel to on-line advertising. Bloggers make money if their consumersclick the ads on their sites. Some sites even pay writers by the click,which is of course a system that promotes sensationalism, or doingwhatever it takes to get noticed。


  It is hard to think of another job category that has grown so quicklyand become such a force in society without having any tests, degrees,or regulation of virtually any kind. Courses on blogging are nowcropping up, and we can’t be far away from the Columbia School ofBloggerism. There is a lot of interest now in Twittering andFacebooking -- but those venues don’t offer the career opportunities ofblogging. Not since eBay opened its doors have so many been able to sitat their computer screens and make some money, or even make a wholeliving。

  很难想到还有什么工作会如此迅速地发展,并在没有任何考试、学位,或是任何监管的前提下成为一支重大的社会力量。现在出现了一大堆有关博客写作的课程,也许要不了多久就会有哥伦比亚博客学院(Columbia School ofBloggerism)了。现在很多人都对使用Twitter和Facebook上网写东西以及交友很感兴趣,但这些平台无法提供博客写作这样的职业机会。自从eBay创立以来,还从没有这么多人都可以坐在电脑屏幕前赚钱,甚至是以此谋生。

  And with millions ofhuman-hours now going into writing and recording opinion, we have towonder whether being the blogging capital of the world will helpAmerica compete in the global economy. Maybe all this self-criticismwill propel us forward by putting us on the right track and helping uschoose the right products. Maybe it will create a resurgence in the artof writing and writing courses. Or serve as a safety net for out ofwork professionals in the crisis. But for how long can nearly 500,000people who are gradually replacing whole swaths of journalists survivewith no worker protections, no enforced ethics codes, limitedstandards, and, for most , no formal training? Even the ’Wild West’eventually became just the ’West.’



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