

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年09月11日 14:12   新浪教育



  The massive buildingprogramme taking place at universities around the land is makingBritish campuses positively stylish in places, and certainly morecomfortable. Bedrooms with en suite bathrooms are now de rigueur, asare study areas where you can eat, drink and work at the same time。


  But LeicesterUniversity has gone one better. Its new £32m library, due to open on 1April, has the most amazing loos, with yellow trough-shaped sinks,automatic taps and efficient dryers. So enthusiastic are the studentsthat they have established the Leicester University Library ToiletsAppreciation Society on Facebook, where they wax lyrical about thebeauty of the new lavatories。


  "If these toilets werea bird, they would be an eagle as they soar above the rest of thecompetition," reads one comment. "If these toilets were a metal theywould be gold. If these toilets were a footballer, they would be Pelé."And so on。


  Louise Jones, directorof library services at the university, is pleased that the loos havewon the students' approval, but is hoping that they will alsoappreciate other aspects of the new building: particularly its blackleather chairs and sofas, its 350-terminal PC zone and its 13 groupstudy rooms with plasma screens. "We are a quality university," shesays. "We want a quality library."


  The former library wasa rather grim place, built in the 1970s with black glass and brownshelving. To some observers it was reminiscent of a municipal car parkbecause it was so dark inside and contained so little natural light.And, of course, its lavatories were unremarkable。


  The new development,called the David Wilson Library after a local businessman who donated£2m, is effectively a makeover of the existing building with anextension which doubles it in size。


  Big holes have beenknocked in the roof to bring in the light, walls have been clad inlight cherry wood, and there are four new atria adorned with hangingsculptures。


  Giving postgraduatestheir own study space is seen as crucial in a university where half thestudents are doing postgraduate courses and paying higher fees thanundergraduates。

  图书馆特设有一个研究生(Q吧) 专用区。为研究生提供特别服务是至关重要的,因为有半数的学生修习研究生课程,而且研究生的学费要高于本科生。

  Students' needs are atthe centre of the new development. Perhaps this is why the buildingcontains a café and a bookshop, as well as the careers centre and thestudent development centre. There will be a help zone in which IT andlibrary support staff--clad in distinctive polo shirts--will roam,aiding students who can't find a book or who have computer trouble。


  All this will enable Leicester University to hold its head up high in the increasingly competitive world of higher education。



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