2009年09月11日 17:47 沪江英语
当地时间9日中午,墨西哥航空公司一架从坎昆飞抵墨西哥首都机场的客机遭劫持。在警方努力下,事件最终和平落幕,数名犯罪嫌疑人被拘留。 ![]() 墨西哥客机遭劫持
当地时间9日中午,墨西哥航空公司一架从坎昆飞抵墨西哥首都机场的客机遭劫持。在警方努力下,事件最终和平落幕,数名犯罪嫌疑人被拘留。据墨西哥当地电视台报道,这架波音737商业客机上载有104名乘客,目前已被全部安全释放。报道称,劫机者可能是玻利维亚人或哥伦比亚人,他们想与墨西哥总统卡尔德龙通话,并一度威胁说,如果需求没有得到满足,就炸毁飞机。 All the passengers and crew on board a hijacked Mexican passenger plane in the arrive of the Mexico city from the resort city of Cancun have been released unharmed. Security forces at the international airport managed to free more than a hundred hostages without a single shot being fired. At least 6 men were placed underarrest and led down the stairs of the aircraft. The hijackers demandedto speak to the Mexican president or else they would designate bombs. However, senior government official said there were noexplosives on board. Some local media reports suggest that thehijackers might be Bolivian nationals。 词汇: resort 度假区 Cancun 坎昆(墨西哥城市) hostage 人质 designate 指派 网友评论
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