2009年09月14日 10:48 沪江英语
《绯闻女孩》里每个女人穿衣打扮都有一套,但她们并不是一成不变地固守自己的某个形象。多变的造型中哪一款更适合自己?比较过她们的行头也能为你的搭配增加一点灵感。 ![]() S的蓬蓬头和大波浪
S总是时不时地在她标志性的长波浪发型基础上做点小变化,其中有几集的造型格外出挑。上面俩出格造型你喜欢哪个呢? Serena usually makes little variation on her traditional theme (long and wavy) but she glammed it up for a couple episodes. Which high-powered, big bang does a bang-up job? ![]() B的艳丽装和暗沉装
Queen B不只是因发箍而出名,她是鲜有穿得特正式的时候。比起现在的一身黑,早先时候她的装扮要华丽得多。你更喜欢哪套装束咧? Not only does Blair stay loyal to the headband, she's rarely looking "done-up."She's got much more product from an earlier episode than she did whenall in black. Which total package (hairstyle, headpiece, and face)would you pick? ![]() Lily的不同发髻
Lily是不是给Bumpits做代言的?看前面这张发髻盘得光光整整的,而后面那个就有点蓬松开来的样子。觉得哪个好看? Did Lily get in on the Bumpits trend? In one photo, her bun is slicked back straight, but the other has a punch of poof. Thoughts? ![]() Vanessa第一季的卷卷发
Vanessa一路走来形象变化很大哦!不信看这里两张早期的造型比照一下,喜欢哪个? Vanessa'scome a long way from season one…as evidenced here!I picked twoof her earlier looks to compare. Which do you prefer? ![]() Vanessa第二季好惊艳
不过一季功夫,变化好大!Vanessa第二季里的造型要正式多了,不过她的头发是梳起来好还是披下来好咧? What a difference a season makes! From these two pictures of a more formal Vanessa, does her hair look better up or down? 网友评论
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