

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年09月14日 15:16   新浪教育
Ruth Fisher
Ruth Fisher

  最纠结的母亲《六尺之下》Ruth Fisher


  Ruth marries Nathaniel Fisher in 1965 after becoming pregnant with her first child, Nate. Four years later she gives birth to anotherson, David. Their third and final child, Claire, is born later in lifein 1983. Ruth had an estranged relationship with her sister Sarah ever since Sarah was negligent while watching Ruth's sons one weekend. She reconciles with her years later. Shortly before the series begins, Ruth has an affair with her hairdresser, Hiram Gunderson, who takes her camping. After Nathaniel's sudden death, she calls off the affair to mourn but rekindles the relationship months later。

Debbie Novotny
Debbie Novotny

  最通情达理母亲《同志亦凡人》Debbie Novotny


  Debbie Novotny is a supporting, heterosexual fictional character on the Showtime television series Queer as Folk. The motherof main character Michael Novotny, Debbie plays a major role in herson's life, is a strong supporter of gay rights, and an active memberof PFLAG. She is usually found either at her house or at the LibertyDiner, where she is a waitress.

Christina Rose Scofield
Christina Rose Scofield

  最狠心的母亲《越狱》Christina Rose Scofield


  She is Michael's and Lincoln's mother. Michael took her maidern name because she told him his father was a drunk. Michael also named aboat 'Christiana Rose' after his mother. The mother was believed to be deceased until Season 4 Episode 16 - The Sunshine State where it's revealed that she is not only alive, but in possession of Scylla. It is also revealed that she worked for The Company.


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