

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年09月14日 16:19   沪江英语
第六位 最具人气年轻情侣
第六位 最具人气年轻情侣

  第六位 最具人气年轻情侣

  《绯闻女孩》 Chuck and Blair


  “Three words, eight letters. Say it and I’m yours。” Blair and Chuck are definitely the most interesting part of Gossip Girl. Their chemistry is electric and yet, they are probably the one couple on this list that could be together but (most of the time) mutually agree that they shouldn’t. Both believe their passion comes largelyfrom messing with one another’s lives and neither can give up theirself-absorbent lifestyles. It seemed Blair was willing, but Chuck can’t seem to giveup his old playboy ways and potentially will never change。

第五位 最披荆斩棘的情侣
第五位 最披荆斩棘的情侣

  第五位 最披荆斩棘的情侣

  《邪恶力量》 Sam and Ruby


  The demon and the hunter find love? Well, no, not really. Ruby’s instant attraction to Sam was undeniable,but then again, she’s a demon. Dean was always against it, but after hewent to Hell, Sam went off the deep end and Ruby was quick by his side.Killing demons together and having lots of sex, the two formed anunusual bond。

第四位 最命中注定情侣
第四位 最命中注定情侣

  第四位 最命中注定情侣

  《超人前传》 Lois and Clark


  We all know that Lois and Clark are destined for one another. When Lois first swept into Clark’s life, it seemed as if she would never warm to his small-town, farm-boy charms. “Committed” was the first real glimpse into Lois’ feelings. While under the threat of torture if she lies, Lois admits that she loves Clark. Later on, she told Clark she had managed to fool the lie detector, but their relationship changed from that point on. Their subtle glances and flirtations are building into a real connection that stands a fighting chance to last a lifetime.


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