2009年09月15日 16:25 沪江英语
你是一个表情符号的热衷者吗?你的短信、qq、msn和email聊天中常常使用各种表情吗?今天我们要讲的词是emoticon。是不是觉得这个词的构成有几分奇怪,几分眼熟?没错啦,其实它是emotion(or emote)和icon组成的混合词。An emoticon is a symbol orcombination of symbols to convey emotional content in written ormessageform. 就是说,我们可以把emotion叫做“表情符号”或者“表情符”,也就是把一些字母和符号放在一起做成的表情效果。 比如我们在电子邮件和短信当中经常用到的微笑表情smileyfaces,或者嘴角下弯的沮丧表情,都是用引号、分号和括号这样的符号组成的。 符号化的表情
CommonExamples: :-) smile,happy :-( sad,depressed ;-) wink :-D biggrin :-P tongue out,happy, or being silly :-* kiss :-O surprised :-/ uncertain :- waiting,indifferent =] smile,happy =[ sadness,depressed =O shocked :@ angry :-Sor :-? confused a: a-hole 接下来,我们看段两个人有关表情符号的对话。 A: You know Ialways find it difficult to really express my emotions when I'msending an instant message。 B: Well, whydon't you use those emoticons more? A: I could,yes, but I'm never really sure if they show the right emotion thatI want to express。 B: Well, thereare quite a lot of emoticons you can use: happy, sad, feeling mad!They express a lot of emotions。 A: Ok then,I'll have a go! 表情符号非常丰富,它们足以表达我们生活中的各种情绪。There'squite a bit of variety and you can express your emotions quiteclearly, it's nearly as good as talking to them for real!多多使用表情符号,让我们的生活充满更多色彩,更多欢乐! 网友评论
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