2009年09月18日 11:41 沪江英语
![]() 影星加里·布西
影星加里·布西(酗酒;可卡因、迷奸水上瘾) 1995年5月,加里·布西因使用可卡因而被捕;而当时,他刚刚出院,过度使用可卡因和迷奸水使得其险些丧命。 Gary Busey (Alcohol, Cocaine, GHB) In May of 1995, Gary Busey was arrested for Cocaine possession after being hospitalized from an overdose of Cocaine and GHB from which he almost died。 ![]() 《悲欢岁月》主角尼克·诺尔蒂
《悲欢岁月》主角尼克·诺尔蒂(酗酒;迷奸水上瘾) 02年9月,61岁的尼克·诺尔蒂醉酒驾车被捕。他最终吸毒后驾车罪名成立,被处以3年的缓刑。 Nick Nolte (Alcohol, GHB) In September of 2002, Nick Nolte,61, was arrested for driving under the influence of GHB and Alcohol.Nolte eventually ended up in rehab and received a three year parole sentence after his no-contest pleas to a misdemeanor count of driving under the influence of GHB。 ![]() 音乐人科特尼·洛夫
音乐人科特尼·洛夫(海洛因、止痛药上瘾) 科特尼·洛夫的吸毒史始于幼年,据悉其父亲在她还4岁时就给她服用迷幻药。还有报道称她怀孕早期依然吸食海洛因。03年10月,洛夫在洛杉矶男友家中被捕。她被控滥用监控药物。4小时之后她就因过量服用止痛药而被急送医院治疗。2006年间,科特尼·洛夫屡次因涉毒被捕,并反复进出戒毒所。 Courtney Love (Heroin, Oxycontin) Courtney Love’s drugproblems started at an extremely young age. It is reported that herfather gave her LSD when she was only four years old. Love had alsoreportedly used Heroin during the early stages of pregnancy with herdaughter. In October of 2003 Love was arrested in Los Angeles whilebreaking into her boyfriend’s home. She was also charged with beingunder the influence of a controlled substance. Just four hours later she was rushed to the hospital to be treated for an accidental overdose of Oxycontin. Throughout 2006, Courtney Love has been arrested multiple times for drug possession and continues to go in and out of rehab。 网友评论
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