

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年09月18日 15:12   新浪教育


  We start with the pillar of comics storytelling: the characters.They’re the ones who bring it all together, making the storystronger, making the creators strive higher and being the glue thatholds the whole package together. Without them, it’d be a facelessstory—with them, it’s the thumbtack that pins it down for us toremember. Here’s who we think will be the seven Comic characters towatch in ‘09. Yes—there are some familiar faces.。。


  Wolverine(Marvel Comics)

  The character of Wolverine has been a contender since the day hewas first born—err, published in 1974, but 2009 will see him reachhis pinnacle6) of a storied life。

  With four Solo comic book series (Wolverine,Wolverine: Origins, Wolverine: First Class and Wolverine: WeaponX,) a member of countless team comic books, a movie (X-Men Origins:Wolverine) and an animated series (Wolverine & TheX-Men), he truly is the “it” character for the X-universe, andarguably the larger Marvel Universe。

  He’s synonymous with the “X-Men” brand, and is the only characterto be included in every media adaptation of the “X-Men” franchiseincluding film, television, computer. He’s gone by many names, butno matter what you call him—everyone calls him integral tocomics。






  Batman(DC Comics)

  2009 could be Batman’s biggest year yet—but will he even bearound to enjoy it? In comics he’s gone—presumed dead—and his closefriends and enemies are fighting for his cowl—in the upcoming“Battle for the Cowl” miniseries. And although there’s no “Batman”movie this year, the fruits of the blockbuster “Dark Knight” moviewill be reaped in awards season in several categories. And there’salways speculation on future “Batman” movies from Nolan, Bale andco. In comics we’re trying to wrap our heads around someone besidesBruce Wayne being Batman, while we’re still holding out hope thatwe haven’t seen the last of him. It is comic, after all, isn’tit?

  Oh—and of course—there’s “Batman: Brave and the Bold” on Cartoonnetwork。





  Supergirl (DC Comics)

  Although she is the female counterpart to DC’s signaturesuperhero, she’s never quite lived up to her birthright until now.Her ongoing series has finally gotten its footing with writerSterling Gates, and Supergirl is emerging as a key part of thelarger DC Universe not as Superman’s proverbial “kid sister” but asher own person. Far from a Superman in women’s clothing, Supergirlhas begun to emerge and reach her full potential—and her fanscouldn’t be happier。

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