2009年09月24日 09:43 新浪教育
Tip: To determine your true shape, pull your hair off your forehead with one hand, look into a mirror and trace the outline of your face on the glass with lipstick。 小贴士:确定自己的真实脸型,可以单手把遮住前额的发丝拢开,然后一边照着镜子一边在上面用口红把脸型轮廓勾画下来。 If Your Face Is Square
If Your Face Is Square 如果你是方形脸: "For square shapes, it's all about softening the edges," says Charles Worthington of Charles Worthington Salons in London and New York City. He recommends avoiding "sharp" cuts, like angled bobs orstyles with blunt-cut bangs, which can emphasize an already-broad forehead and chin。 伦敦查尔斯·维辛顿发型沙龙的发型师查尔斯·维辛顿这样说,“对于方方的脸型,柔化硬线条是关键。”他建议避免很尖锐的发型,譬如有棱角的BOB头,或是等齐的刘海,这样会使额头和下巴看上去更宽。 Your best cut最合适的发型: Long or short? It's up to you. "Pretty much any length will work,as long as you add shorter pieces to frame the face," says Kat, astylist for Bumble and Bumble in New York City。 是留长发还是短发呢?喜好由您来选择。来自纽约Bumble &Bumble的发型师凯特谈到,“只要在脸周剪短一些发丝,剪成任何长度的造型都会很不错。” To accomplish this, ask your stylist for a cut that incorporates graduated layers, razored ends or long, piece-y bangs to soften the strong lines of your jaw。 为了实现这种效果,你可以让造型师加入一些有层次感的渐变效果,发梢削尖一点或者刘海做出发束的形状,这样下巴的线条会显得柔软一些。 Parting words分发建议: Your best bet is to experiment with your part to find its most flattering location. A center part looks great paired withangle-softening curls. Or, try one that's slightly off-center toblur the bold edges of a square face。 不妨试试你的分发线分向哪一边最好看。中央的分发加上两旁柔软的卷发的效果会很出彩。或者尝试一下向一边偏分一点点,这样方脸的棱角就不至于太突出。 If Your Face Is Oval
If Your Face Is Oval 如果你是是鹅蛋脸: Evenproportions make oval faces especially versatile. "This is not ashape that needs to rely on a hairstyle to add softness or balance," says Worthington。 鹅蛋脸型各处的比例感都很好。维辛顿说:“这种脸型并不需要借助发型来做调整或修饰。” Your best cut最合适的发型: From a cropped cut to a blunt bob to longer, layered styles,virtually anything goes. However, some oval faces tend to be on thelong side. If you fall into this category, Worthington suggests adding long bangs, to visually shorten the distance from the forehead to the chin. Cheek-length layers will also help balance a longer oval shape。 不管是平头的短发、棱角分明的BOB头,还是长发飘飘,层层叠叠的发型,这些都很陪衬鹅蛋脸。但是有些鹅蛋脸从一边看上去越看越长。如果您是属于这一类型的话,维辛顿建议说,不妨考虑刘海留长一点,从视觉上看,从前额到下巴的长度会显得缩小一点。发型长至脸颊,做出层次的修剪同样也会对较长的鹅蛋脸型起到不错的修饰效果。 Parting words分发建议: Just like the cuts, when it comes to parts, most will work well.Worthington recommends a sharp center part for a chic look. Or, you can break up a long oval face by parting your hair to one side. The longer your face, the more off-center the part should be。 鹅蛋脸的分发位置与造型一样,不管怎样设计都很不错。维辛顿建议说中分的头发线会使造型更时髦。如果你不喜欢自己的长鹅蛋脸,那就可以把头发分拢向一边。脸越长,头发偏分的比例就越大。 If Your Face Is Round
If Your Face Is Round 如果你是圆脸: Since full cheeks can conceal even the best bone structure, a round face canlack definition. "Very short cuts and cuts with a lot of volume onthe sides only emphasize fullness," says Kat。 您的颧骨长得即使再好看,圆圆润润的脸颊也会将其掩盖,使得圆脸缺少了个性。凯特称,“短小的短发、还有两面既丰满又蓬松的发型只会使脸型显得胖胖圆圆的。” Your best cut最合适的发型: Styles with face-framing layers and choppy bangs can slim a fullface and create the illusion of cheekbones. If you like short hair,try a bob with razored ends and cheek-grazing pieces, which breaksup the roundness and adds angles where they don't naturally exist.If short is not your thing, aim for looks that fall to the chin and longer. The extra length will help elongate a full face, making it appear more oval。 具有修饰脸型的、有层次感的发型,或者陪衬些齐齐的刘海儿会让圆脸看起来修长,颧骨似乎也若隐若现了。如果你喜欢留短发,不妨尝试一下发脚被打得薄薄的、削得尖尖的BOB头,这种发型不会让你的脸型显得圆润,而人工修剪的棱角可以让脸型发生一丝微妙的变化。假如你不喜欢短发,那就尽量让头发长及脸颊或者盖过脸颊。长出来的头发会让圆脸有被拉长的效果,从而更形似鹅蛋脸。 Parting words分发建议: A slightly off-center part works best, as it offsets roundness, but a center part can draw the eye up, giving your face the appearance of a longer shape。 稍微偏分的发型最适合圆脸的修饰,而选择中分头发会将人的注意力上移,反而会使脸蛋形状看上去被拉长。 网友评论
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