2009年09月24日 15:44 新浪教育
A black-browed barbet, one of Taiwan's endemic birds, standsguard by its nest in a tree on a street in Taipei。 一只台湾独有的黑眉巨嘴鸟正在台北的街边树上保卫自己的巢。 爱情鸟
Love stare 爱的凝望 Love birds look at visitors at the Riyadh National Zoo inSaudi Arabia。 沙特阿拉伯的利雅得国家动物园中,爱情鸟(鹦鹉)正在凝望来访者。 知更鸟宝宝
Crying like a baby 好大一张嘴啊 A nest of baby robins begins to hatch in a bush by the WhiteHouse press room in Washington, D.C。 华盛顿特区的白宫新闻厅附近的树丛里,一窝知更鸟宝宝出生了。 箭毒蛙
Looking a little blue 怎么看着有点蓝 Dyeing poison dart frogs explore their exhibit at the NationalZoo in Washington, D.C。 华盛顿特区的国家动物园中色彩斑斓的箭毒蛙正在四处游荡。 羊驼
Questionable fashion sense 晕!这也叫流行? An alpaca named Oregon gets ready for its appearance at allama and alpaca showcase in Dettelbach, Germany。 德国Dettelbach,一只名叫俄勒冈的羊驼正准备在羊驼和骆驼展厅展示自己。 网友评论
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