2009年09月24日 16:03 新浪教育
Rat steals leopard's lunch
Rat steals leopard's lunch 小老鼠豹口夺食物 A seriesof images captured by a British student in Hertfordshire show adaring brown rat nibbling a leopard's lunch. The leopard was prettysurprised with the rodent's intrusion into its enclosed territoryat a wildlife reserve. The big cat bent down and sniffed at it, butthen flinched a bit and turned away。 日前,一名英国学生在赫特福德郡野生动物保护中心,拍到了一组老鼠抢食猎豹午餐的照片。照片显示,一只大胆的小褐鼠闯进一只猎豹的"领地"并抢它的食物,猎豹看上去大吃一惊,它伏下身子闻了闻老鼠,随后却退缩走开了。 网友评论
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