2009年09月24日 16:17 新浪教育
Ugliest dog in the world 世界最丑狗新出炉 Chomper,a drooling dog with a flailing tongue, wontitle honors at the 14th annual Ugly Dog Contest held recently inthe US. The 4-year-old boxer mix's startling looks are the resultof distemper, which left him with neurological issues. Theorganizers said the contest is aimed at raising money for animalsin need。 近日,美国举办第14届"世界最丑狗大赛",一只名叫Chomper的丑狗,以一副流口水吐舌头的模样,获"世界最丑狗"冠军头衔。4岁的Chomper是一只拳师犬混血,因罹患犬瘟热而神经受损,变成一脸惊吓吐舌模样。活动组织者表示,丑狗比赛的主要目的是募集动物救援基金。 网友评论
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