

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年09月25日 11:49   沪江英语

本文选自《小小王 林王林》的博客,点击查看博客原文

The Safe House
The Safe House

  The Safe House, Milwaukee, Wis。

  安全屋 (密尔沃基,威斯康星州)

  You’ll need to whisper the secret code into the ear of thedoorman to enter International Exports Ltd., the fake front of thisspy-themed Milwaukee restaurant that has been open since 1966.Inside the maze-like building, you’ll come across numerous secret passages and spyholes among the walls。


Casa Bonita
Casa Bonita

  Casa Bonita, Denver, Colo。

  Casa Bonita饭店(丹佛,科罗拉多州)

  Casa Bonitia is a sort of Mexican restaurant crossed withDisneyland, and is so well known in Colorado that it was featuredin an episode of South Park. The 52,000-square-foot restaurant thatcan seat more than a thousand。


Mars 2112
Mars 2112

  Mars 2112, New York, N.Y。

  火星2112 (纽约,纽约州)

  Thirty-five thousand square feet of Martian landscape definethis restaurant and bar in New York's Times Square. Dining roomsare modeled after spaceships and the red, rocky surface of Mars. Toget inside you must “ride” to the multi-level restaurant in theirprivate spaceship-aka elevator, and when the doors open you aregreeted by a crew of resident aliens。



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