2009年10月23日 11:56 新浪教育
A survey of 16 to 24 year olds has found that 75% of them feel they "couldn't live" without the internet。 一项针对英国16至24岁年轻人的调查发现,75%的年轻人认为他们“没有网络活不下去。” The report, published by online charity YouthNet, also found that four out of five young people used the web to look for advice。 这份由网络慈善团体YouthNet所作的调查显示,有4/5的青年人将网络作为一种寻求咨询的途径。 About one third added that they felt no need to talk to a person face to face about their problems because of the resources available online。 还有1/3的青年人认为,根本没必要和他人进行面对面的交流,因为任何需要的信息都可以通过网络来获取。 Despite high-profile examples of internet security breaches, such as the recent incident of phishing email scams, 76% of the survey group thought the internet was a safe place "as long as you know what you're doing"。 尽管互联网安全隐患重重,比如最近发生的多起网络钓鱼邮件和垃圾邮件,但76%的受访者都认为,只要自己心里有数,网络还是安全的。 "Probably the middle-aged are the most vulnerable," said Open University psychologist Graham Jones。 英国开放大学的心理学家葛莱姆·琼斯认为,或许中年人更容易在网上上当受骗。 "I think children, teenagers and people under their mid-20s have grown up with technology and they understand it deeply," he said。 他说:“因为孩子、青少年以及20来岁的年轻人是伴随着科技成长的一代,他们接受新事物的能力更强。” Mr Jones thinks it is the parents who need to become more sophisticated。 琼斯认为,父母们应该更多地去了解网络。 "One of the biggest problems for children is not that they are vulnerable but that their parents don't know what they're doing," he said。 “孩子们最大的问题之一不是他们易在网上上当受骗,而是他们的父母不了解孩子的所作所为。” "It's important that parents have full understanding of the internet and its risks--younger people need parental direction," he said。 “全方位地了解网络及其风险对于家长来说至关重要。年轻人需要家长的指导和引导。” Its author, Professor Michael Hulme of Lancaster University, names this age group "digital natives" as they have grown up in an environment rich with computer and mobile technology。 调查报告的作者、兰卡斯特大学的迈克尔·赫米教授认为,电脑和手机等电子设备已经充斥了当今社会生活的方方面面,在这种环境中长大的年轻人可以称得上是“数码一代”。 "For young people the internet is part of the fabric of their world and does not exist in isolation from the physical world," he said。 他说,对于年轻人来说,互联网与他们的日常生活息息相关、不可分割。 Youthnet runs websites offering advice, information and volunteering opportunities to young people。 Youthnet网站致力于向年轻人提供建议、资讯和志愿者的工作机会。 "The need for a safer, trusted [online] place has never been greater," said Fiona Dawes, Youthnet's chief executive。 Youthnet网站的首席执行官菲奥娜·当斯说,年轻人需要一个更安全、更可信赖的网络,而且这种需求变得越来越迫切。 "Youthnet will be taking the insights of this report to heart as we plan the future of our services." “Youthnet 网站在规划未来服务的时候,是会认真考虑这份调查报告中年轻一代的需求的。” 网友评论
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