2009年10月28日 14:48 沪江英语
These 10 habits of highly successful women range from maintaining yourhormonal balance to letting go of the past -- and they will positivelyaffect your mind, body, and soul。 成功女士的这十个好习惯会保持你的荷尔蒙平衡,放开过去的事情,能够对你的想法,身体,甚至灵魂产生积极的影响。 Taking action is a crucial habit of successful women…and so is dreaming! Don't let go of your passions.。。 采取行动是成功女人的好习惯之一,梦想也是。不要忘却了你的热情。 1. Maintain your hormonal balance。 保持你的内分泌平衡。 Areyou moody, exhausted, irritable, or sad? Check your hormones. Ifthey're out of whack, then you'll struggle to be successful! Make sureyou're getting enough protein and vitamins, and decrease your refinedsugars and carbohydrates。 你是否是个喜怒无常,疲惫,急躁,忧郁的人?检查下你的内分泌情况吧,如果失衡的话,你就很难成功。确保你每天都摄入足够的蛋白质和维他命,减少糖分和碳水化合物的吸收。 2. Forgive yourself for your mistakes。 如果你犯了错误的话,要学会原谅自己。 Highlysuccessful women don't obsess or feel guilty about past choices orfailures. They make mistakes, move on, and apply what they've learnedto new situations。 成功女人不会为了过去的失败或选择而感到迷惑或有罪恶感。他们犯了错误后,会继续前进,将自己在错误中学到的经验应用到新的情况中。 3. Connect with who you are。 将你的所有角色连接起来。 Beinga daughter, wife, or mother is one aspect of your life. It does'tdefine who you are as a woman. To connect with who you are, find andexpress your authentic self. The more authentic you are, the more appealing you’ll be to others – and to yourself! 女儿,妻子,母亲都是你生活的方方面面。但这并没有规定你应该成为什么样的女人。将你的人生角色连接起来,找出你真实的自我并超越。你越自信,你就越有吸引力,不管是对自己还是对别人。 4. Avoid energy vampires。 避免吸能器。 Doyou feel drained or sad after spending time with a particular friend,coworker, or relative? Limit the time you spend with him or her. Note how you feel after visiting with a certain person; if you feelenergized and happy, then you’re in good company. Highly successful women choose their companions wisely。 在和某个特别的朋友,同事或亲戚相处一段时间后,你是否感到筋疲力尽或者忧郁呢?那就限制你和他呆在一起的时间。在你拜访一个人之后注意你的感觉,如果你感到高兴,能力满满的话,那就是说你有一些好同伴。成功女人会明智地选择自己的同伴。 5. Speak kindly to yourself! 亲切的和自己对话。 If you beat yourself up for being overweight, a "bad" mom, or notexercising enough, you just create a downward spiral. Highly successfulwomen remind themselves of their achievements and successes. Theyrefuse to tell themselves negative things; they accept themselves。 如果你被肥胖,坏妈妈,或者不够兴奋打败了的话,你就是使自己进入了一个恶性循环。成功女士都会时刻提醒自己所取得的成就和成功。她们拒绝告诉自己消极的事情,而是真诚地接受自己。 6. Listen to your body。 听从你的身体。 Iheard Oprah Winfrey say this about 10 years ago: listen to what yourbody is telling you. Are you sad, furious, or depressed? Follow yourbody's cues。 10年以前我就听Oprah Winfrey说过:听听你身体告诉你的。你是否悲伤,易怒,忧郁?听从你身体的暗示。 7. Volunteer your time。 贡献你的时间。 Findsomething that takes you out of your comfort zone or that you love todo. You'll feel great that you're helping others out – and volunteeringdirectly improves your physical health. Highly successful women stepout of their comfort zones and takes risks。 找一些你喜爱做的事情让你远离自己的安乐窝。如果你帮助别人解决了难题的话,你会感觉非常良好的,而志愿工作会直接提高你的身体健康。成功女人都会走出他们的安乐窝,迎接新的挑战。 8. Let go of perfectionism。 放弃十全十美的想法吧。 Striveto do your best, but let go of perfectionist tendencies. Accepting thatyou're doing the best you can is a habit of highly successful women.Letting go of perfectionism is vitamins and exercise for the soul! 尽你最大的努力去奋斗,但是不要执着于十全十美。接受你尽了最大的努力是成功女性的好习惯之一。放弃十全十美的想法是灵魂的维他命和一种锻炼。 9. Use your core strengths。 利用你的核心优势。 Are you a natural mathematician,writer, or party planner? Discover your core strengths by tryingdifferent things until you find what fits. To take risks and try newthings, take short-term volunteer positions or volunteer for newprojects at work or in your community。 你是否天生是个数学家,作家或者宴会策划人?你可以通过不断的尝试来发现自己的优势,直到你找到最适合自己的为止。你可以挑战新事物,做短期志愿者,或志愿接受工作或团队中的新项目。 10. Take time for yourself。 留一些时间给自己。 Thishabit for highly successful women is my favorite: take time to rechargeyour batteries and refuel your emotional, spiritual, and physicalenergy. Spend at least a few minutes alone each day – even if you haveto lock yourself in the bathroom to do it! 成功女性的这个好习惯是我最喜欢的一点:花时间充电,重新点燃你的激情,调节你的精神,身体能量。即使是要把自己锁在浴室里面,每天也要找出一点时间独处。 网友评论
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