
http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年10月29日 11:27   沪江英语

  After the miscues of Windows Vista, Microsoft is hoping to restore its image with the new operating system Windows 7, which launched Thursday. Apple isn't helping。

  在Windows Vista败走麦城之后,微软(Microsoft)指望着能够通过上周四发布的新操作系统Windows 7,来恢复自己的形像。苹果(Apple)却不帮这个忙。

  The maker of Macintosh computers took its opening shot at the new software with a humorous new ad in its on going 'Get a Mac' campaign. In it, the Mac, played byJustin Long, rains on the PC's parade, recalling past Microsoft promises to improve its software。

  苹果机(Macintosh)制造商朝着这款新的软件开出了第一枪。在其正在进行的“拥有Mac”(Get a Mac)推广活动中,苹果加入了一个新的诙谐广告,广告中,贾斯汀•朗(JustinLong)扮演的苹果机回忆起微软过去说要改善其软件的各种承诺,对PC机进行了一番恶搞。

  The PC, played byJohn Hodgman, excitedly asks in the ad: 'Did you hear the good news?Windows 7 is out and it's not going to have any of the problems that mylast operating system had. Trust me.' The Mac responds, 'I feel likeI've heard this before, PC.'

  由约翰•霍奇曼(John Hodgman)扮演的PC机在广告里激动地说:“没有听到好消息吗?Windows 7出来了,没有我上个操作系统拥有的任何问题。相信我。”苹果机回答说:“PC机,这话我似曾相识。”

  Then the ad replays purported flash backs of prior promises, when PC said Vista would not have any of the problems of Windows XP, which would not have any of the problems of Windows ME,which would not have the problems of Windows 98, and so on. PC sports adifferent hair style of each time period, and ends by saying, 'this time it's going to be different, trust me.'

  广告然后回放了过去可能有过的一些承诺。当时PC机说,Vista不会有Windows XP有过的任何问题,XP不会有Windows ME有过的任何问题,Windows ME不会有Windows98有过的任何问题,等等。每个时间段,PC机都秀出一款不一样的发型,到最后都说:“这次会不一样的,相信我。”

  Apple began airing the ad, dubbed 'Broken Promises' a little after 8 p.m. EDT during shows such as 'Grey's Anatomy,' 'CSI,' 'The Office,' '30 Rock' and the baseball playoffs。

  苹果是在美国东部时间晚上八点过后开始播放这份广告的。广告名为“没兑现的承诺”,插播于电视剧《Grey's Anatomy》、《CSI》、《The Office》和《30 Rock》,以及棒球赛当中。


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