
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月05日 11:05   新浪教育


  一、Fool Your Internal Clock 忽悠你的生物钟

  Setting your alarm back a full hour is jarring to your system,so take baby steps. Every two days, set the alarm for just 10minutes earlier. And don't stress out about shifting back the timeyou go to sleep. You'll naturally adjust to an earlier bedtime after a few days。


  二、Sip All Your Coffee by 10 A.M。 早上10点前将你的咖啡喝光

  Get your caffeine fix right when you roll out of bed. It'lltake effect within half an hour and stay in your body throughoutthe afternoon, when people who wake up early are typically mostexhausted. You can have all you want, but just make sure you switchto decaf or some other noncaffeinated drink by 10. That way, it'llall be out of your system by bedtime。


  三、Go to the Gym After Work 下班后去健身房

  Sleep experts used to believe that an a.m. workout was a greatway to wake up the body. But actually, the ideal time is rightafter work. Three to five hours after exercising, your temperaturestarts to drop. That tells your brain that it's time for sleep. Ifyou work out in the morning, your brain gets that sleep signalmidday and throws off your rhythm。



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