
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月05日 16:03   新浪教育



  While most people choose mates who are like them inmany ways, new research exposes a big and important exception: Whenit comes to spending habits, we tend to marry our opposites。


  Spend thriftstend to marry tightwads, and tightwads tend to marry spend thrifts,says this New York Times feature based on researchers' examination of several surveys and a randomized poll on the topic. While thereasons aren't clear, it could be that one partner sees in theother something he or she needs. If you're a spendthrift picking amate, you might unconsciously be looking for help reining in badspending habits. If you're a tightwad, you might feel a need toloosen up and have a little fun。


  Researchers atthe University of Pennsylvania, the University of Michigan and North western University studied several on-line surveys askingcouples to assess their personal feelings toward spending money,and also commissioned a randomized poll on the topic. Respondentswere rated on a 'Tightwad-Spendthrift scale' based on how eachpartner felt about spending money。


  The patternthey uncovered, of people matching up with their financialopposites, could be one reason money is the source of so muchtension in so many marriages. Clearly, too many people fail todiscuss money issues before they get married, the articlesays。


  In a recentbook, 'Financially Ever After,' my colleague Jeff Opdyke discussessome of the underlying emotional issues, and outlines 10 questionsevery couple should discuss before tying the knot, including 'howdo you use debt?' and 'will we operate from one checkbook … orthree?' The fact that more couples have separate checking accounts,compared with the past, as I've written in my 'Work& Family' Column, can make it easier for couples toavoid resolving their financial differences, by keeping at leastsome of their financial affairs separate。


  The pattern described in the Times' story has heldtrue in my own family. As teenagers, my sister and I had oppositespending habits. She loved to shop and buy clothes, while I tendedto pinch pennies. True to the research, we each married men whowere our opposites in money management; her husband was frugalwhile mine liked to spend. Since then, we have each changed inopposite directions。


  Now, my sisteris a master at saving; at our recent family reunion, she hosted twoseparate meals, a picnic and cookout, for more than 40 people for atotal cost of less than $250, by shopping at Wal-Mart and using herwell-practiced eye for bargains. When my turn came to organize ameal, I spent about twice as much。



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