2009年11月09日 10:51 21世纪英语
美国军方证实,本周四,位于得克萨斯州基林的胡德堡陆军基地发生枪击事件,造成12人死亡,31人受伤。 Twelve people were killed and up to 31 injured in two shootings Thursday at Fort Hood Army Base in Killeen, Texas, the U.S. Army said。 五角大楼发言人Gary Tallman称,12名死者中包括1名士兵疑犯,另有2名士兵已被拘留。 The 12 dead include one suspect, a soldier. Two other soldiers were taken into custody, according to Gary Tallman, a spokesman at the Pentagon。 早前的报道称,持枪歹徒于下午1:30在剧院和圆形体育场附近开火,即士兵预备地区,当时有7人死亡,至少12人受伤。 Earlier reports said seven people were dead and at least 12 injured when gunmen opened fire at about 1:30 p.m. in an area near a theater and a sports dome, also known as the soldier readiness area。 受害者是士兵还是普通市民并没有得到立即确认。 It was not immediately known if the victims are soldiers or civilians。 事件发生后,该基地和附近的学校已经被封锁。 The shooting prompted the base and nearby schools to order a lockdown。 胡德堡陆军基地网站发布消息称:“胡德堡已立即关闭。”“这是一起突发事件,非演习!” A message on the Fort Hood Web site said, "Effective immediately, Fort Hood is closed." "This is not a drill. It is an emergency situation," it said。 美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马称该事件为“令人震惊的突发暴力事件”,并对受害者及其家属表示同情。 U.S. President Barack Obama has called the incident a "horrific burst of violence" and expressed his sympathy to the victims and their families。 奥巴马当天在全美印第安人部落大会闭幕式上说,“这起事件的受害者都是无私和勇敢的人,他们每天坚守在岗位上,有时甚至要为保护国家安全奉献自己的生命。” "These are men and women who have made the selfless and courageous decision to risk and at times give their lives to protect the rest of us on a daily basis," Obama said when he delivered speech at the closing ceremony of the tribal nations conference。 “在海外战场失去这些勇敢的美国人时,我们已很难接受。看到他们在美国的土地上、在军事基地遭到枪击,让人感到可怕”。 "It's difficult enough when we lose these brave Americans in battles overseas. It is horrifying that they should come under fire at an Army base on American soil," he said。 FBI(美国联邦调查局)发言人Jason Pack称,FBI调查员已经前往胡德堡陆军基地协助负责机构--军事刑事调查处展开调查。 FBI agents are headed to Fort Hood to assist the Army Criminal Investigation Division, which is the lead agency, said FBI spokesman Jason Pack。 胡德堡陆军基地是美国陆军现最大的本土基地,共驻扎约4万名士兵。 Fort Hood is the U.S. Army's largest U.S. post, with about 40,000 troops。 网友评论
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