2009年11月11日 09:52 沪江英语
韩国联合通讯社10日援引政府消息人士的话报道,韩国和朝鲜海军当天上午在西部海域的“北方限制线”附近发生交火。 报道说,当天上午,朝鲜一艘警备艇越过“北方限制线”,韩国海军“进行了警告射击”,但朝鲜警备艇“置之不理继续南下”,韩国方面开火射击,朝鲜方面进行了回击。报道说,到目前为止,交火事件是否造成人员伤亡还不得而知。“北方限制线”是韩国和美国在朝鲜战争停战后单方面在西部海域划定的海上界线,朝鲜对此不予承认。 South Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) clashed in naval coast off west coast of the peninsula in the morning of Tuesday, SouthKorea's Yonhap News Agency said, quoting its government source.Accordingto the Yonhap, a DPRK patrol ship crossed South Korea' s Northern LimitLine (NLL), leading the South Korean Navy to fire warning shots.Asthe DPRK vessel, ignoring the warnings, continued to sail into the southern territory, the South Korean Navy fired additional shots,Yonhap said.The DPRK side is reportedly to have responded with countering shots, Yonhap added."Nocasualty has been reported on the South Korean side, and the North Korean (DPRK) vessel returned back after getting half destructed in the clash," the source was quoted as saying。 网友评论
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