
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月11日 11:00   沪江英语

  Forget What You've Heard About Choosing a Career


  Do you think you know everything about choosing a career? Many people think they know the right way to go about picking an occupation, butthey often wind up choosing a career that is unsatisfying. Here are tenmyths of choosing a career that can help you make an informed decision。


  1.Choosing a career is simple


  Actually,choosing a career is an involved process and you should give it thetime it deserves. Career planning is a multi-step process that involveslearning enough about yourself and the occupations which you areconsidering in order to make an informed decision。


  2.A career counselor can tell me what occupation to pick


  A career counselor,or any other career development professional, can't tell you whatcareer is best for you. He or she can provide you with guidance inchoosing a career and can help facilitate your decision。


  3.I can't make a living from my hobby


  Says who? When choosing a career, it makes perfect sense to choose one that is related to what you enjoy doing in your spare time, if you sodesire. In addition people tend to become very skilled in theirhobbies, even though most of the skill is gained informally。


  4.I should choose a career from a "Best Careers" list


  Every year, especially during milestone years, i.e. the beginning of a new decade, there are numerous articlesand books that list what "the experts" predict will be "hot jobs." Itcan't hurt to look at those lists to see if any of the careers on itappeal to you, but you shouldn't use the list to dictate your choice.While the predictions are often based on valid data, sometimes things change. Way too often what is hot this year won't be hot a few yearsfrom now. In addition, you need to take into account your interests,values, and skills when choosing a career. Just because the outlook foran occupation is good, it doesn't mean that occupation is right for you。


  5.Making a lot of money will make me happy


  While salary is important, it isn't the only factor you should look at when choosing a career. Countless surveys have shown that money doesn'tnecessarily lead to job satisfaction. For many people enjoying whatthey do at work is much more important. However, you should considerearnings, among other things, when evaluating an occupation。


  6.Once I choose a career I'll be stuck in it forever


  Nottrue. If you are unsatisfied in your career for any reason, you canalways change it. You'll be in good company. Many people change careersseveral times over the course of their lifetimes。


  7.If I change careers my skills will go to waste


  Yourskills are yours to keep. You can take them from one job to another.You may not use them in the exact same way, but they won't go to waste。


  8.If my best friend (or sister, uncle, or neighbor) is happy in a particular field, I will be too


  Everyone is different and what works for one person won't necessarily work for another, even if that other person is someone with whom you have a lotin common. If someone you know has a career that interests you, look into it, but be aware of the fact that it may not necessarily be a good fit for you。


  9.All I have to do is pick an occupation... Things will fall into place after that


  Choosingan career is a great start, but there's a lot more to do after that. A Career Action Plan is a road map that takes you from choosing a career to becoming employed in that occupation to reaching your long-termcareer goals。


  10.There's very little I can do to learn about an occupation without actually working in it


  While first hand experience is great, there are other ways to explore an occupation. You can read about it either in print resources or online.You can also interview those working in that field。



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