
http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年11月11日 16:12   沪江英语



  Somecall it Remembrance Day (eg. Canada, Australia, United Kingdom), somecall it Armistice Day (eg. France, New Zealand), and others call itPoppy Day (eg. South Africa, Malta).  In the U.S., it’s calledVeteran’s Day.  No matter what it is called, most countries pay respectto the soldiers of history on November 11th.  Rather than offer quotesabout war, here are the five best movie quotes about the importance ofremembering.  Consider them as you remember those brave men and womenwho have served their country in war。


  "Memories are meant to fade.  They're designed that way for a reason."

  Strange Days (1995) - Mace (Angela Bassett)


  “To have memories of those you have loved and lost is perhaps harder than to have no memories”。

  Van Helsing (2004) – Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman)


  “Memories shared serve each one differently。”

  The Kid Stays in the Picture (2002) – Robert Evans (himself)


  “In my life I find that memories of the spirit linger and sweeten long after memories of the brain have faded。”

  My Dog Skip (2000) – Narrator (Harry Connick Jr。)


  "There's no fence nor hedge around time that is gone.  You can go back and have what you like of it, if you can remember."

  How Green Was My Valley (1941) - Huw Morgan (Irving Pichel)


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