
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月12日 10:36   沪江英语

  巴基斯坦是一个美丽的国家,有独具风韵的服饰、美艳动人的模特和源远流长的文化传统。但是多年 的战乱使人们无法真正了解这个国家的美好。巴基斯坦时装周的举办远比其他国家举办时装周艰难得多,动荡的局势和无处不在的死亡威胁时刻搅扰着那里的人民, 但是正是在这样的环境中举办的时装周才真正体现了人们对美丽的追求是何等地真切、何等地执着。贫瘠的土地往往能孕育出最最真实、最最朴素、也最最永恒的艺 术。 

  A model strikes a pose and shows the side of Pakistan the world rarely sees. This was Pakistan's first fashion week. A five-day celebration of style with some of the attitude many expect from the world of high fashion。

  strike a pose就是"摆个造型"的意思。而high fashion,顾名思义,high就有高端的意思,所以high fashion就是‘高级时装,高端服饰'。

  "You have no idea about fashion, do you?"

  This event was organized in part to send a message。

  "Pakistan has another side to it. It's not just about bombs and Taliban. It's also about beautiful clothes, beautiful people and it's about promoting our country and our culture to the most wonderful, glamorous profession which is fashion."

  After several delays, partly due to security fears, fashion week was held in the commercial capital--Karachi. One of Pakistan's top models all too aware of the threats now facing her country。

  all too这个词组是表示一种程度之高,to a high degree,可以翻译为‘实在太.。。了'。

  "My son's school, for example, has been shut for a whole eleven days only because of... there has been bomb threats. But I think that being in Pakistan, we learn to live with it and we learn to cope with it."

  Security concerns forced organizers to exclude foreign designers from the show, making this an entirely homegrown affair. Pakistani designers showed off dresses ranging from the classical to the absurd, of ten times taking a contemporary spin on traditional Pakistani patterns and colours。

  "He's the George Michael of fashion in Pakistan."

  Designer Deepak Perwani conceives that Pakistan's fashion industry is still in its embryonic stage。

  "It's an unexplored market for fashionistas and for fashion buyers. It's also an unexplored market for people while looking for new inspiration for fashion. So Pakistan is a fantastic opportunity for everyone."

  The industry faces some cultural restrictions. Pakistan is a conservative Islamic Republic. But the people here were determined to have a good time. Overall, there was a sense of relief。

  "Thank God, we have fashion week. That's all I can say for the fashion industry. Thank God."

  In a country fighting a bloody war against itself, this was a victory of sorts, a chance for one elite segment of society to assert itself to Pakistan and to the world。

  of sorts 就是指一个团体或是一个群体中的一部分,但是这一部分并不具备代表性。文中victory of sorts就是说,这场胜利只是巴基斯坦小部分人群的胜利,只是上层阶级的胜利。


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