2009年11月12日 15:36 中国日报网站
![]() 不减肥也能显瘦的秘密
INVEST IN YOUR UNDERWEAR 一定要舍得在内衣上花钱 The most important part of a woman's wardrobe is herunderwear, which can transform you from lumpy and bumpy to smooth andsculpted. Soozie Jenkinson, head of lingerie design for M&S, says:'Shapewear is the easiest way to change your silhouette withoutvisiting the gym。 女人衣柜里最重要的就是内衣。它可以让你的身材从臃肿不堪到平滑圆润。M&S 内衣设计部的Soozie Jenkinson说:“塑型是不需要去健身就可以改变你轮廓的最好办法。” CHANGE YOUR HAIRSTYLE 改变你的发型 Choosing the right hairstyle can be the easiest way to takeweight off your face. GMTV hairdresser and celebrity stylist RichardWard says: 'The trick to giving the appearance of a slimmer face is toensure your style elongates rather than accentuates roundness。 选择适合你的发型可以说是个瘦脸的最好办法。GMTV发型师和名人造型师Richard Ward说道:“让你的显瘦的关键是确保你的发型能衬托脸长而不是脸圆。” “The Jennifer Aniston style is an extremely flattering lookfor most women, as it draws the face lengthwards and detracts from thewidest part of the face。” 詹妮佛安妮斯顿的发型在大多数女人心中是完美的,就是因为她的发型拉长了脸部轮廓并且遮盖了脸上最宽的部分。 CLOTHES 服饰 Choose styles that flatter your body rather than following thelatest fashions. Ankle boots, for example, will cut off at the leg inan unflattering place for many women, whereas a high court shoelengthens the leg。 选择适合你体型的衣服比紧随潮流更重要。比如及踝靴会使大多数女人的腿部结构划分得很难看,但是高筒靴却能使你的腿变得修长。 网友评论
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