
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月18日 16:30   新浪教育



  10. Watch portion size! A little of what you fancy does you good.Alot of what you fancy makes you fat.Fact。

  10. 控制分量!吃一点你喜欢的食物对你有益,吃许多你喜欢的食物会使你发胖。这是真理。

  9. Don’t order milkshake or sugary soft drinks. They are justempty calories.Drinking calories is a way to sneak calories ontoyour frame. Get water!

  9. 不要点奶昔或含糖的软饮料。它们含有的只是无用的卡路里,摄入的卡路里会“ 偷偷跑到”身体里。还是喝水吧!

  8. Order extra veggies/salad (without dressing1). It will helpyou to fill up on something that isn’t meat or fried potatoes!

  8. 多点些蔬菜或色拉( 不加调料)。它能帮你补充肉或薯条之外的营养。

  7. Careful with dressings! Salad is healthy, yes, but get anoily or creamy dressing and you could make it as fattening as aburger。

  7. 谨慎使用调料!没错,色拉是健康食品,但加入含油或含奶油的调料,你会让它变得像汉堡包一样容易使人发胖。

  6. Avoid all-in-one wrap meals. These are usually loaded withcheese and very unhealthy!

  6. 不要吃那种将所有东西都裹在一起的食物。这些食物通常加入了许多乳酪,非常不健康!

  5. Don’t order a double burger! So simple, but so sensible.Why double the calories?

  5. 不要点双层汉堡包!原因简单但非常合理:为什么要摄入双倍卡路里呢?

  4. Where possible order a grilled chicken burger. The breadedand fried chicken is just as bad as burgers。

  4. 如果可能的话,点板烧鸡腿堡。裹满面包屑经过炸制的鸡肉跟汉堡包一样有害。

  3. Say no to mayo2. Mayonnaise is so fattening and not thattasty, so why bother?


  2. Don’t order fries. They may be tasty... but they areseriously fattening. If you must have some then order small andshare them。

  2. 不要点油炸食品。它们可能美味,但也非常容易使人发胖。如果你一定得吃一点,那么少点一些,并与别人一起分享。

  1. Don’t eat in the car. Not only is it unsafe... but you willhave your mind on driving so you won’t notice when you arefull。

  1. 不要在车里吃这些东西。这样做不但不安全……而且因为你的注意力集中在开车上,所以即使饱了你也意识不到。


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