
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月20日 10:44   中国日报网英语点津

  Johnny Depp was named People magazine's "sexiest man alive" for a second timeon Wednesday, joining an elite club of double honorees that includesGeorge Clooney and Brad Pitt。

  People magazine described the swashbuckling

  "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie star as "the king of cool with thekiller cheekbones". Depp, who also took the title in 2003, succeeded2008 winner Hugh Jackman。

  Asked why Depp, 46, had won a second time, People senior editor Kate Coynetold the CBS Early Show: "He was sexy ten years ago, he'll be sexy tenyears from now. He appeals to multiple generations of women -- and formany different reasons to different kinds of women."

  Depp'srecent roles include 1930s gangster John Dillinger in "Public Enemies"and the murderous London barber "Sweeney Todd". His next screen role isas the Mad Hatter in director Tim Burton's adaptation of "Alice inWonderland" which is due for release in March 2010.

  In real life, Coyne noted that Depp, 46, was also a committed father of two。

  "He's sort of everything," Coyne said. "He's a guy's guy, kind of a bad boy, he's a respected artist and actor. You know, he's got a little bit of everything."

  People also gave a nod to the popularity of vampire-themed movies and TV shows, adding the likes of "Twilight" heartthrob Robert Pattinson and "Vampire Diaries" star Ian Somerhalder to its sexiest issue。

  Matt Bomer, star of the new USA TV series "White Collar" was named sexiest rising star.Other newcomers to People's 2009 list include "American Idol" runner-upAdam Lambert and "Glee" actors Matthew Morrison, Cory Monteith and MarkSalling。

  Pastwinners of People's sexiest man alive title include Matt Damon (2007),Matthew McConaughey (2005), Jude Law (2004) and Ben Affleck (2002)。

  People's sexiest men alive issue hits newsstands on Friday。












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