
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月23日 11:25   新浪教育



  If you’ve always assumed that tomatoes are very nutritious, you’reabsolutely right. They’re a good source of lycopene 1 and beta-carotene 2, but consider this: if you eat a tomato without adding alittle fat, say a drizzle3 of olive oil, your body will not absorb allthese nutrients. Gregory Brown, who is now a professor of exercisescience, learned this the hard way. He is not a big fan of tomatoes,but back when he was in graduate school at Iowa State, he volunteeredfor a nutrition study, agreeing to eat big bowls of salad greens withtomatoes and dressing, all in exchange for a few hundred bucks. WhatBrown did not know at the time is that some of the salads had fat-freeor reduced-fat dressings, while othershad regular oil-based Italian, adistinction that turned out to be very significant. Researchers foundthat when people ate the fatfree salads, there was virtually noabsorption of the carotenoids4, like beta-carotene or lycopene. Studyauthor Wendy White says there are a few other ways to maximize theabsorption of these healthy compounds, namely by chopping and chewing,which breaks down the plant material。

  Wendy White: The finer the particle size, themore finely chopped, or homogenized, or they probably chewed thecarrot, the better the absorption of the betacarotene。


  温迪-怀特:颗粒越小,切得越碎或越均匀,或者人们将胡萝卜嚼得越碎,对β -胡萝卜素的吸收也就越充分。


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