
http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年11月24日 10:46   中国日报网英语点津

  The vampire romance "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" sucked up $140.7 millionin its first three days and pulled in a total of $258.8 million worldwide, according to studio estimates Sunday。

  The No. 1 domestic debut for Summit Entertainment's "New Moon" was more than twice the $69.6 million haul over the same weekend last year for"Twilight," the first in the franchise based on Stephenie Meyer's novels。

  "Obviously,with the success of 'Twilight' itself, sequels being what they are willgenerate X-number of dollars more, particularly if it's a satisfying sequel," said Richie Fay, head of distribution for Summit。

  "New Moon" placed third on the all-time domestic chart behind last year's $158.4 million opening weekend for the Batman blockbuster "The Dark Knight" and 2007's $151.1 million haul for "Spider-Man 3."

  Among the top-10 all-time openings, "New Moon" is the only one that came outside of Hollywood's busiest time, the summer season. The movie adaptation of Meyer's next "Twilight" chapter, "Eclipse," arrives inthe heart of summer, next June 30.

  On Friday, "New Moon" set an all-time domestic high for opening day with$72.7 million, topping the previous record of $67.2 million by lastyear's "The Dark Knight"。

  Overall,Hollywood had its second-biggest non-holiday weekend ever, with final numbers expected to come in slightly behind the $260 million theindustry rang up over the weekend of July 18, 2008, when "The Dark night" opened。

  Compared to the same weekend last year, business was up 59 percent。

  Overseas, "New Moon" debuted in 25 countries and took in $118.1 million。

  "New Moon" continues the story of teen romance between a school girl and avampire。












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