上周五,奥普拉•温弗瑞宣布了一个令人倍感意外的决定,她对着镜头哽咽道,在这25年中,“《奥普拉秀》仿佛《绿野仙踪》里的黄砖路一样,将我带到你们身边”她将于2011年12月停播《奥普拉秀》。 Oprah Winfrey delivered an oh-no moment on Friday, choking up as she told her audience that after a quarter-century on “the yellow brick road of blessings that led me to you,” she would shut down “The Oprah Winfrey Show” in September 2011. 消息一经颁布,这位体态丰腴的女人再次撼动世界媒体。温弗瑞女士不会马上离开,她也并非要告别传媒界——2011年她将推出全新的有线电视网络,奥普拉•温弗瑞电视网(OWN) It’s a measure of her outsize stature that the news buckled the media world: Ms. Winfrey isn’t leaving soon or going very far — by 2011 her new cable venture, OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network, should be up and running。 你无法用三言两语来概括奥普拉•温弗瑞的个人成就(脱口秀、读书俱乐部、奥斯卡提名、杂志、慈善事业、奥巴马竞选以及与盖尔的公路旅行),以至于有些时候你很难说出,有什么是她还没有做的。 But there was a sense of mourning as soon as the news came on Thursday. And it takes so long to list everything that Oprah Winfrey has done (the talk show, the book club, the Oscar nomination, the magazine, the philanthropy, the Obama campaign, those road trips with Gayle) that it is sometimes difficult to keep track of what she hasn’t done。 这不是温弗瑞女士第一次在节目持续热播之时,决定关闭个人栏目了。她之所以成为明星及亿万富翁,正因为她懂得把握机会,但她的天才之处在于她懂得取舍。 This isn’t the first time Ms. Winfrey has closed a venture while it was still thriving. She became a star and a billionaire media tycoon by saying yes to opportunity, but part of her talent lies in her willingness to say no。 温弗瑞女士在周五对观众表示,从“身”和“心”两方面她都觉得应当停掉这个商业上十分成功的脱口秀节目了。或者,就像她说的那样,“我爱这个秀,它是我生命的一部分。就是因为足够爱它,所以我知道是时候说再见了。” Ms. Winfrey told her audience on Friday that she felt it in her “bones” and in her “spirit” that she should pull the plug on her syndicated talk show. Or, as she put it, “This show has been my life, and I love it enough to know when it’s time to say goodbye。” 她之所以决定离开也有可能是因为,凭借多年阅历,她深知打造一个有线电视品牌定要心无旁骛。她曾投入财力并支持创建了Oxygen频道,以致力于为女性打造一个高水平的有线电视网络——提供纪录片、鼓舞人心的谈话节目以及抚慰心灵的瑜伽。但该计划不是十分地成功。 It’s also possible she knew from experience that running a cable network is not a part-time job. She championed and invested in Oxygen, a high-minded cable network for women that offered documentaries, inspirational talk and soothing yoga. That didn’t quite pan out。 温弗瑞女士之后又与赫斯特联手创办了《奥普拉》杂志。同时,于2007年被全美广播公司收购的Oxygen频道也一改高雅路线,为迎合大众口味而相继推出了真人秀《托瑞和迪恩》以及《甩肉武林大会》。 Ms. Winfrey went on to create O, the Oprah Magazine with Hearst. In the meantime Oxygen, which was bought by NBC Universal in 2007, found its way on the low road with shows like “Tori & Dean” and “Dance Your Ass Off。” 温弗瑞女士的告别似真似幻,另有玄机。一方面她表示将之所以选择在节目的第25季后告别是因为数字情结。(“这是一个非常完美的数字,是该结束的时候了,”她在上周五的节目上说。)另一方面,又恰巧是她与《奥普拉秀》的电视发行商CBS的合同到期之时。 Ms. Winfrey blends the mystical and the practical — she said she would leave at the end of her 25th season for the numerical vibe. (“It’s the perfect number, the exact right time,” she said on Friday’s show。) It is also the exact time her contract with CBS, which owns the syndication rights to her show, expires。 她之所以成功就在于,她能够将慈善事业与极端唯物主义(派车活动)融合得天衣无缝,并能化腐朽为神奇。 She found success by seamlessly mixing philanthropy with crass materialism (car giveaways), lurid exploitation with good deeds。 繁华落尽,温弗瑞女士以一场充满泪水的告别会宣布自己的离开,并向观众保证在接下来的几个月,《奥普拉秀》仍将使观众“大吃一惊。” After all that, Ms. Winfrey closed with a teary valedictory farewell and also promised viewers that over the next months her show would “knock your socks off。” 这是奥普拉时代的终结。她宣布即将离开,同时也尽力挽留观众。 It was the ultimate Oprah moment. She announced that she was leaving and urged her fans to stay。 网友评论
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