
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月26日 10:43   《英文21世纪报》


  Mounting pressure from their studies and job-hunt have driven a number of students to find a "double" to attend class for them. This is especially common among juniors and seniors。


  Cheng Ming, 22, a junior at East China University of Science and Technology, saw an ad on the BBS (bulletin board system), where someone offered to attend class for others for 15 yuan per class。


  Cheng was thinking that some electives were just "chicken ribs" – you have to take them but they're hardly useful for the future – so he decided to give this method a shot. He has hired a double to attend his ethics class in his place so that he can do an internship。

  到! Present!


  When the teacher randomly checks the attendance, the double is there to say "present!" when Cheng's name is called. The double also marks the key points mentioned in class, so it's "even better than if I attend the lecture myself," Cheng explains。


  If you think that students like Cheng hire a double because they're rich and lazy, then think again. "We're just too busy to take care of everything in the right way," he explained。


  Meanwhile, he's interning at a Shanghai-based IT company and often finds himself working overtime, programming some projects. At the same time, he has three electives and six major courses to worry about every week, plus several hours of practice for his driving license. Then there's his job at the student union and the drama club activities. It's fairly easy to see that he's got himself spread really thin。


  "It's all about working for a better future with a better job," Cheng said。


  A recent survey by China Youth Daily found that jobs are the major source of pressure for about 60 percent of college students. That's followed by studies, at 57 percent。


  School administrators point out that using a double to attend class is strictly prohibited。

  我有太多的事情要做 Lots to do


  Kang Dumeng, from the student affairs office at Beijing University of Science and Technology, cited a 2009 report from the Beijing Youth Stress Management Service Center which showed that over 73 percent of college students get an internship. Meanwhile, only about 9 percent of all students feel optimistic about their job or career prospects。


  "When social pressures hit students early in their college career, studies are bound to be affected," Kang says, adding that many teachers understand the job pressures and the fact that many students have part-time jobs or internships in their graduating year。


  But Liu Suge, a faculty member at Shanghai University, thinks that getting someone else to sit your class for you is a sign of time-management failure. Normally, college schedules are far looser than company schedules, so there's no reason to sacrifice class attendance for something else。


  "Study should be the priority," Liu says. "If you cannot handle the tight schedule, just shorten the to-do list – but not the lectures and classes."


  Stress may be a relatively "decent" reason to hire someone for "help", but some students hire doubles simply because they don't want to go to class. One student at Shenzhen University who identified himself as Qi works as a double. Qi finds that his "boss-customers" are often freshmen or sophomores, and, he doesn't think they're that busy. "It seems that they simply don't want to attend classes," he said。


  According to a 2008 survey on class-skipping issued by the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), over 70 percent of students think that skipping classes one is not interested in is "fairly common"。


  According to another survey by Shenzhen University officials, over 90 percent of students were found to have skipped classes。


  "In high school, skipping classes led to serious punishment," says Wang Dan, 18, freshman at UIBE, "but in college, it seems not a big deal [of skipping classes]."


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