Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician at the center of the homicide investigation into singer Michael Jackson's death, has resumed hispractice。 深陷迈克尔·杰克逊死亡漩涡中心的康拉德·穆里医生,已开始重新行医。 穆里已经回到位于德克萨斯休斯顿的家中
Murray returned home to Houston, Texas, and was treating patients at the Armstrong Clinic where he practiced medicine before leaving to become Jackson's personal physician in April。 穆里已经回到位于德克萨斯休斯顿的家中,并在阿姆斯特朗诊所开始诊治病人,这里是他成为杰克逊的私人医生前工作的地方。 我正慢慢让我的生活步入正轨
"I'm taking my life back step by step, and I wanted to come home and this is my home," he told congregants Sunday at the Galilee Missionary Baptist Church in northwest Houston。 “我正慢慢让我的生活步入正轨,我想回家,而这儿正是我的家。”上周日,他在休斯顿西北的加利利浸信会教堂对教友们如是说。 重新工作是由于经济原因
In a letter to CNN affiliate KPRC in Houston, Murray's lawyersaid the physician returned to work out of a financial necessity.Chernoff added that Murray planned to attend to patients in LasVegas as well, but the cost of reopening his clinic there was"prohibitive." 在致KPRC的一封信中,穆里的律师称穆里重新工作是由于经济原因。契诺夫还说穆里也计划去拉斯维加斯工作,但他“无力承受”重开诊所的费用。 是否对穆里提起公诉还未做出决定
Jackson died on June 25 at his $100,000-a-month rented mansionin Holmby Hills. Murray was with him at the time and tried torevive him. Los Angeles police have not decided whether Murray willbe prosecuted in Jackson's death。 杰克逊于今年6月25日在家中去世。穆里当时在他身边并试图对其进行抢救。是否对穆里提起公诉,洛杉矶警方还未做出决定。 网友评论
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