2009年12月01日 10:38 新浪教育
How can you make cute cats even cuter? Easy: By putting them inwigs! 怎样才能让小猫咪变得更加可爱呢?很简单:给它们戴上假发! 哎呀,你抓到我了
“Oops, you caught me! My craziness for crafts is completely outof control! Who knows what I’ll make next — besides a bigmess!” “哎呀,你抓到我了!我疯狂的手艺完全失控了!天知道除了一团糟以外我还能作出什么 !” 小笨蛋,不要惹我去咬你
“What do you mean, Flock of Seagulls? Don’t make me bite you,punk!” “你说什么,海鸥?小笨蛋,不要惹我去咬你!” 小金丝雀,在我嘴里
“A canary — in my mouth? How very dare you!” “小金丝雀,在我嘴里?你好大胆儿啊!” 我可能会吐出彩虹
“This party is the definition of cute overload. I feel a littlesick to my tummy. I might barf rainbows。” “这个舞会的主题被定义为极致可爱。我感觉胃部有点儿不舒服。我可能会吐出彩虹。” 巴黎时装周期间总是过于劳累
“Paris during Fashion Week is always too exhausting. Next year,stay home and buy magazines instead。” “巴黎时装周期间总是过于劳累。明年,留在家里买杂志看。” Nyah –nyah,小宝贝儿
“Nyah-nyah baby! Stick your head in gravy, wrap it up in bubblegum and send it to the navy!” “Nyah –nyah,小宝贝儿!把你的头沾满肉汁酱,包裹上泡泡糖,邮递到海军!” 网友评论
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