2009年12月04日 14:48 新浪教育
The average Briton can make 10 meals from scratch without havingto look at a recipe, a survey suggests。 调查显示,多数英国人不看菜谱就能直接烹制的佳肴共有十道。 Spaghettibolognese is the most popular dish, with 65% of people saying theyknow the recipe by heart。 最受追捧的当属意大利肉酱面,65%的英国人表示这个菜谱已经烂熟于心了。 Thetraditional roast dinner comes in second place with 54% of peopleable to prepare it unaided。 排在第二位的是英式传统烤菜,54%的人可以轻松烹制这道美味。 Thesurvey, commissioned by the UKTV Food channel to mark the returnofits Market Kitchen show, involved questioning 3,000 people。 这项由UKTV食品频道委托进行的调查共走访询问了3,000多人,调查结果在该频道的"市场厨房"节目播出。 Thesurvey suggests the average cook is more comfortable preparingforeign dishes than British classics at home。 调查发现,英国人居家做的多半是外国美食,而非本国佳肴。 Chillicon carne is the third most popular dish for cooks toattempt, with42% saying they can manage it without looking at acookbook orrecipe online。 香辣肉酱排在最受欢迎榜单的第三位,42%的英国人表示无需菜谱或上网查询就会做这道菜。 Some 41%of cooks feel confident they can prepare the classic Italian dishlasagne。 还有41%的人表示,自己能够信心十足地烹制意大利千层面。 Theresearch defined a recipe as a main course dish containing four ormore ingredients。 该项调查中的主菜指的是含有四种或四种以上配料的菜式。 MatthewFort, presenter of Market Kitchen, said: "The resultsprovide a goodsnapshot of what Brits are eating week in, week out,because if youcook something regularly enough you will remember therecipe." "市场厨房"的节目主持人马修·福特说:"这项调查让我们了解到英国人平时常吃哪些菜。因为一道菜只有常做常吃,你才能记住菜谱。" Thosesurveyed admitted they made an average of just four home-cookedmeals per week。 调查显示,英国人平均每周只做四顿饭。 Only 16%of those aged under 25 cook every day compared with 45% of thoseaged 56 and over。 25岁以下的年轻人每天做饭的人数比例仅有16%;而56岁以上每天做饭的人数比例则高达45%。 The studyrevealed British cooks own an average of five recipe bookseach butare increasingly turning to the internet and televisioncookingshows for inspiration。 调查发现,英国人人均拥有五本菜谱,不过如今越来越多的人通过互联网或是电视上的烹饪节目去获得美食的灵感。 DISHESMADE WITHOUT RECIPE 不看菜谱就能做的十道佳肴: Spaghettibolognese 意大利肉酱面 (65%) Roasteddinner 传统英式烤肉/菜 (54%) Chili concarne 香辣肉酱 (42%) Lasagne意大利千层面 41% Cottageor shepherd's pie 农家馅饼/牧羊人馅饼 (38%) Meat orfish stir fry 爆炒肉片/鱼片 (38%) Beefcasserole 炖牛肉 (34%) Macaronicheese 奶酪烤通心粉 (32%) Toad inthe hole 约克郡烤饼卷香肠 (30%) Meat,fish or vegetable curry 咖喱肉/鱼/蔬菜 (26%) 网友评论
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