2009年12月15日 15:06 《英文21世纪报》
![]() 麦莉-塞勒斯当选09最差明星
唱演俱佳的麦莉-塞勒斯是近三年来迪斯尼最炙手可热的明星之一, Miley Cyrus, one of Disney's hottest stars of the past three years with hit records and hit films, 她最近被评为2009年度最差明星榜样,而参与这项评选的正是当年捧红她的儿童和青少年。本周三的一项在线调查显示。 has been voted the worst celebrity influence of 2009 by the very people who made her a star, tweens and teens, according to an online poll on Wednesday。 “美国在线”所属网站JSYK.com(正如你知道的)开展了一个面向9岁到15岁青少年的调查,16岁的塞勒斯得到的42%的投票率位居榜首, Cyrus, 16, took 42 percent of votes in the poll for AOL's JSYK.com (Just So You Know) website aimed at 9-15 year-olds, “小甜甜”布兰妮和饶舌乐歌手坎耶-维斯特分列第二位和第三位,此调查是票选最差的明星榜样。 pushing Britney Spears and rapper Kanye West into second and third places, respectively, in a section on worst celebrity influences of the year。 但排行榜并未说明这位人气小天后获评该称号的原因。塞勒斯唱歌和演戏俱佳,凭借迪斯尼频道的电视连续剧《汉娜�蒙塔娜》一炮而红。 No reasons were given for the poor showing of the singer-actress and the popular star of Disney Channel's "Hannah Montana" television series。 但在过去的一年,塞勒斯确实是争议性报道不断,她和一名20岁的男模拍拖, But the ranking follows a year which has seen Cyrus controversially dating a 20 year-old model, 在一次玩乐时拍照眯起眼睛丑化亚洲人遭到炮轰,还在一个青少年颁奖典礼上大跳钢管舞。 making "slant eyes" in an informal snapshot criticized as mocking Asians, and being accused of pole-dancing on a teen awards show。 此外,塞勒斯在“最受喜爱的女艺人”单元排名第四, Cyrus also came in No. 4 in the category of favorite female artist, 排在她前面的是19岁的当红乡村歌手泰勒-斯威夫特,《我吻了一个女孩》的演唱者凯蒂-派瑞以及R&B歌星碧昂丝。该调查吸引了近5万张选票。 behind 19-year-old country sensation Taylor Swift, "I Kissed a Girl" singer Katy Perry and R&B star Beyonce. The poll attracted almost 50,000 votes。 “我觉得麦莉现在的处境很微妙,她想从《汉娜�蒙塔娜》中‘毕业’,走出迪斯尼, "I think Miley is in an interesting space where she is trying to graduate from being 'Hannah Montana' and a Disney channel celebrity 转而发展自己的风格,在迪斯尼之外开拓一片天地。”JSYK.com网站的编辑史蒂芬妮-科恩说。 and coming into her own and having a career beyond Disney," said Stephanie Cohen, editor of JSYK.com。 科恩说:“我想她的粉丝仍然想让她做甜美可爱的汉娜�蒙塔娜,但她却想长大……家长们绝对也不答应。” "I think her fans still want her to be the sweet Hannah Montana and she is trying to age up...Parents are definitely resisting it," Cohen said。 吸血鬼系列电影《暮光之城》和即将上映的续集《新月》中的主演们在排行榜上占尽风头。 The stars of vampire movies "Twilight" and its forthcoming sequel "New Moon" dominated the JSYK.com poll。 (女主角)克里斯汀-斯图尔特获评最受喜爱的女影星,而泰勒-洛特纳在“最受喜爱的男影星”和“你最想约会的酷仔”两项中的排名都超过了罗伯特-帕丁森。 Kristen Stewart was voted favorite female movie actress and Taylor Lautner surged past Robert Pattinson in both the favorite male movie star and "cool guy you'd like to hang out with" categories。 网友评论
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