
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年12月24日 10:09   沪江英语


  1. Chimerica中美国

  The intertwined economies of China and the United States, which together dominate the world economy. Popularized by Niall Ferguson in his book “The Ascent of Money。”

  "Chimerica" 是哈佛大学教授弗格森在他的书《钱的升值》中生造的新词。我们可以看出它是"China"中国,和"America"美国的组合。意思是在全球金融危机中,中国成为可以和美国匹敌的强国、并主导世界经济。

  2. Mancession 男人衰退

  Arecession that affects men more than women. Also "hecession". It turnsout that men have been hardest-hit by job losses in the last year,largely because they dominate the sectors where layoffs have been most widespread. So as the total number of available jobs hasgone down, the share of remaining jobs held by women has increased


  3. gay marry,gay-marry 同性婚姻

  To marry someone of the same sex. Also used hyperbolically to mean to form an unconventional relationship, as in, “I love my new cellphone so much I want to gay-marry it。”


  4. GM=Government Motor

  GM的新涵义:政府汽车A nickname for General Motors, which is now majority owned by the federal government。


  5. social distancing安全距离

  Staying away from other people so as not to catch or spread the flu。

  "social distance"这个词本来用以形容不同社会团体之间保持的距离,而拜甲型H1N1流感全球爆发所赐,该词组最新的意思是“和其他人保持安全距离,以防止传染流感”。

  6. sexting 性短信

  The sending of sexual messages or pictures by mobile telephone。


  7. ununbium 新物质

  The temporary name of a newly foundelement, Uub for short. It comes from the Latin for the element’s number, 112.

  ununbium是一种新发现的化学物质,这是它的暂定名称,简称Uub. 名字来源是拉丁文的112,也就是这种物质出现在化学元素表上的编号。

  8. netbook 上网本

  An inexpensive portable computer, usually smaller than a laptop but larger than a smartphone, intended mainly for use with the Internet。


  9. green shoots 绿色上升

  Signs of an economic recovery or of a company’s financial turnaround。

  又是一个和金融危机分不开的热词。green shoots用以形容经济复苏和公司财政状况转好。

  10. heinie “黑泥”

  A pronunciation of H1N1, the swine flu virus。



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