
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年12月28日 16:17   新浪教育

  Obama Offers Condolences to Plane Crash Victims'Families


  U.S. President Barack Obama has offered his condolences to thefamilies and friends of the 50 people killed in Thursday night'splane crash near Buffalo, New York. Mr. Obama addressed the tragedyin a speech to business leaders。


  President Obama said his thoughts and prayers are with thefamilies and friends who lost loved ones in the crash, and with theemergency workers who responded to the disaster. "Tragic eventssuch as these remind us of the fragility of life and the value ofevery single day," he said。


  Mr. Obama paid particular tribute to one crash victim whom hehad met just days ago. Beverly Eckert had lost her husband, SeanRooney, in the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. Sincethen, Eckert had been an advocate for other families who lost lovedones on that day。


  "In keeping with that passionate commitment, she was on her wayto Buffalo to mark what would have been her husband's birthday andlaunch a scholarship in his memory. She was an inspiration to meand to so many others, and I pray that her family finds peace andcomfort in the hard days ahead," he said。


  Eckert met with Mr. Obama at the White House last week, as partof a group of 9-11 families and the relatives of those killed inthe bombing of the USS Cole, discussing how the new administrationwould deal with terror suspects。


  The Continental Airlines plane, flying from Newark, New Jersey,went down in bad weather, crashing into a house near the city ofBuffalo in New York State。



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