
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年01月06日 10:17   中国日报网英语点津

  AustralianPrime Minister Kevin Rudd has taken time out of his busy schedule toindulge his imagination by penning a children's book featuring hisfamily pets, a spokeswoman said Sunday。

  Rudd -- who is so famed for his jet-setting work ethic he has been nicknamed "Kevin 707" by the local press --wrote the book with Australian children's television star Rhys Muldoon,his spokeswoman told reporters。

  Titled"Jasper and Abby and the Great Australia Day Kerfuffle", the bookfollows Rudd's pet cat and dog on an adventure through the grounds ofThe Lodge, his family's official residence in the capital, Canberra。

  "It's delightful, it's actually very very cute, even cuter than one might imagine," the spokeswoman said。

  "Jasper in the flesh is very hoity-toity, in a good cat way, and Abby's gorgeous. They're old family pets, much beloved."

  The book will be released on the January 26 Australia Day holiday, whichcommemorates the landing of the first fleet on Australian shores in1788. Some profits from the sale of the book will go to children'scharities, the spokeswoman said。

  The Mandarin-speaking former diplomat Rudd jokingly told the SundayTelegraph newspaper he had wanted to beat his novelist daughter Jessicainto print, and it "wasn't the most demanding" text he had ever workedon。

  "It'sgood to put a more human face on them," he said of his much-loved pets,who he claimed to have interviewed for the story with Muldoon。


  陆克文的女发言人告诉记者称,这本书由陆克文和澳大利亚儿童电视明星里斯•马尔登合著。陆克文因工作关系,坐着飞机满世界地跑,被当地媒体戏称为“Kevin 707”。








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