
http://www.sina.com.cn 2010年01月06日 13:40   中国日报网英语点津


  President Obama has named the firsttransgender woman to work as a Senior Technical Advisor to the CommerceDepartment, according to a new report。

  Amanda Simpson had the operation tochange from man to woman in the late 1990s while working at the missilefirm Raytheon in Arizona。

  She earned degrees in physics, engineering and business and is a certified flight instructor。

  In a statement, Simpson, a member ofthe National Center for Transgender Equality's board of directors, saidthat "as one of the first transgender presidential appointees to thefederal government, I hope that I will soon be one of hundreds, andthat this appointment opens future opportunities for many others."

  Simpson recently served as Deputy Director in Advanced Technology Development at Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Ariz。

  Amanda Simpson, who was born male andnamed Mitchell , was key in convincing the military contractor to addgender identity and expression to its equal employment opportunitypolicy。

  She also ran for Congress and served as a delegate for then-Sen. Hillary Clinton to the Democratic National Convention in 2008.


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