
http://www.sina.com.cn 2010年01月13日 16:40   沪江英语

  绿茵场上牛人多,囧人也多,囧话自然更加多。这篇短短的盘点自然不能概括足球史上的所有雷人语录,倒是我们在捧腹之余还能从中学得一两句英语,例如give my right arm to do something和to take it on the chin,都是和人体部位有关的短语哦。

  Let’s kick off with the late great Sir Bobby Robson, who managed Newcastle, Barcelona and England in a stellar career. As well as being a great football manager Sir Bobby was often unintentionally funny in the way he used the English language。


  When asked what his dream job outside of football would have been, here plied:"I'd have given my right arm to be a pianist." - the phrase'I'd give my right arm to do something' means you would really love to do it, but what kind of pianist only has one arm?

  当问到如果离开足球场,他梦想中的职业是什么时,他回答说:“就算断只手,我都要当钢琴家。”其中他用到了一个词组give my right arm to do something,意为非常喜爱做某事。但是,哪里有钢琴家是只有一只胳膊的?

  Former England goalkeeper David Seaman proved his memory has not diminished with age with this quote:

  英格兰队前守门员David Seaman证实了他的记忆并未随年龄而衰退:

  "Iwill never forget my first game for England at the World Cup. It wasagainst Turkey... no I mean Tunisia." – which one was it, Dave?


  The most modest man in football Cristiano Ronaldo entertained us with this one:


  "It'strue lots of people hate me but there are even more who love me. I feelbad only when I play badly. Fortunately that happens rarely." – nobodylikes a bighead, Cristiano。


  The phrase 'to take it on the chin' means to accept bad news without bitterness or upset, but when you are an overweight manager you may have to modify the xpression。

  短语“to take it on the chin”意为平静地接受坏消息,不过从身体超重的经理口中说出,这句话就得改一改了

  "You have to take it on the chin - or in my case, chins!" – portly Steve Bruce said after his team were thrashed 7-0.

  “天塌下来有下巴撑着,对我而言,是双下巴!”——肥肥的Steve Bruce在他的足球队以0比7落败后如此说道。

  Let the last word be given to Sir Bobby Robson whose comments on disciplinary problems with his players proved beyond doubt that he knew the difference between footballers and monks:


  "They can't be monks - we don't want them to be monks, we want them to be football players because a monk doesn't play football at this level."



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