2010年01月14日 15:39 新浪教育
Brits last anaverage of eight minutes and 22 seconds before they lose theirtemper, according to new research。 一项最新调查显示,英国人在发脾气前的忍耐时间平均为8分22秒。 这些事你能忍多久
It found that theInternet has increased people's service demands and is eroding theclassic British trait of patience as more than half admitted theylose their temper quicker than ever before。 该调查发现,互联网增加了人们对服务的要求,使得英国人逐渐失去了其有耐性的传统品质,超过一半的英国人承认他们比以前更容易发脾气。 People havebecome so used to the speed and convenience of the internet thatmore than seven in 10 get angry if forced to wait longer than oneminute for a web page to download。 人们已经习惯于互联网的速度和便利,如果一个网页打开的时间超过一分钟,十人中有七人以上会冒火。 Being kept on hold made Brits see red more than anything else, withthe average person reaching their impatience threshold after fiveminutes and four seconds。 打电话时被要求等待是最让英国人恼火的事情,平均忍耐极限为5分4秒。 In today's fastfood culture, restaurant rage kicks in after only eight minutes, 38seconds, when the average diner will start to wonder whether themeal they have ordered will ever arrive。 受如今快餐文化的影响,英国人等餐时间超过8分38秒就会开始冒火,此时用餐者通常会开始怀疑他们点的食物到底还会不会上。 People runninglate to meet a friend should not leave it any longer than 10minutes, one second if they do not want to face their wrath。 和朋友见面迟到最好不要超过10分零1秒,否则就要看对方的脸色。 And tradesmenarriving to a job more than 10 minutes, 43 seconds late should notexpect a cup of tea from their impatient householder。 上门服务者迟到超过10分43秒,就别指望户主给你倒杯茶了。 Finally, whenreceiving a text or voicemail, be warned that the clock is tickingas the average Briton expects a response within 13 minutes and 16seconds。 最后,在收到短信或语音邮件时,须及时回复,因为英国人一般期待你在13分16秒之内回复他们。 Mark Schmid, oftelecom giant TalkTalk, which commissioned the research among 2,050people, said: The speed of the online world is making us lessprepared to wait for things to happen in the offline world。 委托开展该调查的电信业巨头TalkTalk公司的马克•史密德说:网络世界的速度让我们在现实世界中失去了耐心。该公司共对2050人进行了调查。 "This isprompting people to reach the point of impatience earlier than everbefore." 他说:“这使得人们的耐性大不如从前。” 网友评论
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