2010年01月20日 16:56 中国日报网英语点津
“不说了,我忒忙”,这是电影《夜店》里高警官的口头禅,身边,更多的白领们也将这句话挂在嘴边,不管是真忙还是假忙,彼此一见面,开口就叹“最近特别忙”。由此便催生了这样一个新的群族“装忙族”。 “装忙族”英语怎么说
They are invariably white-collarworkers. Instead of "hello", they greet each other with "are you busy lately?" Their answers always indicate they are too busy. Their desksare forever stacked with piles of documents. And they can hardly turn away from the computer screen any time of the day。 他们都是白领。他们见面的问候语不是“你好”而是“最近忙吗?”而得到的回答往往都显示他们实在太忙了。他们的办公桌永远都堆满了文件,他们的眼睛整天都盯着电脑屏幕,一刻都不离开。 It looks as if they are work aholics.Only that they are not. They just pretend to be. They are called the pretend-to-be-busy tribe。 看上去他们好像都是工作狂。实际上却不是,他们只是假装而已。他们被称为“装忙族”。 Often times, their pile-up documentsare just papers which should have been thrown into the waste basket along time ago. The computer screen? The most common trick is to paste anovel into a work-related word document. In fact, there are many moretricks that you did not know。 通常情况下,他们桌上成堆的文件只是一些早该被扔进废纸篓的东西。一刻不离电脑屏幕?最常见的把戏就是把正在看的小说粘贴到一个工作文档里。事实上,还有很多你还不知道的类似招数呢。 Why do they do this? The monotony ofnine-to-five, the fear of losing face if the other colleagues appearbusy, and the experience that hard work has not beenrecognized...Forget all these far-fetched excuses. They just want togoof off。 他们为什么要这样装忙呢?朝九晚五的生活太枯燥,害怕在其他同事面前丢脸,或者之前的辛苦未得到肯定,等等。这些理由都太过牵强了,其实,他们只是不想那么卖力工作罢了。 网友评论
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