
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年01月27日 16:21   中国日报网英语点津

  Sci-fispectacular "Avatar" has surpassed "Titanic" to become thehighest-grossing movie worldwide, distributor 20th Century Fox said onTuesday。

  The worldwide total for the James Cameron movie stands at $1.859 billion after Monday's sales, beating the $1.843 billion haul racked up by "Titanic" in 1997-1998, said Greg Brilliant, spokesman for the News Corp-owned studio。

  The data are not adjusted for inflation。

  "Avatar" broke the seemingly insurmountable

  record set by "Titanic" in little over six weeks, handing Cameron theremarkable feat of directing the world's two biggest movies of all time。

  It has reigned at the top of North American box office for six weeks. It has also led the field in France, China, Germany and Russia。

  Theaction-adventure movie, starring Sigourney Weaver, is set in 2154 andtells the tale of a disabled ex-Marine sent to Pandora to infiltrate arace of 10-foot (3-meter) blue aliens and persuade them to let hisemployer mine their homeland for natural resources。

  Thefilm took more than five years to make and was reportedly one of themost expensive films, with a budget of at least $300 million。

  It has wowed both critics and fans, winning a Golden Globe last week. It is expected to garner an Oscar nomination next month。










  sci-fi: science fiction的简写,科幻小说

  rack up: to tally, accumulate, or amass as an achievement or score(累计,获胜)

  in surmountable:incapable of being surmounted, passed over, or overcome; insuperable(无法超越的,不能克服的)

  lead the field: 处于领先地位

  garner:to get; acquire; earn(获得,收集)


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