尼泊尔馆:寻找城市的灵魂 Nepal Pavilion:Seekingthe Soul of a City 展馆主题:“加德满都城的故事—寻找城市的灵魂;探索和思考” 展馆面积:约3600平方米 地理位置:世博园区A片区 造型亮点:异域之魂 Theme: “Tales of Kathmandu City—Seeking theSoul of a City; Exploration and Speculation” Pavilion Area: Around 3600 Square Meters Location: Within Zone A of the Expo Site Profile Highlight: Soul of the Foreign Land 建筑特色: 充满艺术色彩的尼泊尔将以大型佛塔形式为主体,周围围绕数个具有代表性的不同历史时期的尼泊尔民间房舍,述说几个世纪以来尼泊尔工匠们展示的杰出的建筑和艺术才华。尼泊尔的艺术思想和装饰材料完全融入到场馆的建设和布局中,其中包括用木料、金属、砖片、瓷料和石料加工而成的约500吨展品和装饰品。 Unique Architecture: The Nepal Pavilion will be an exquisitework of a large Buddhist pagoda as the centerpiece, surrounded by several folkhouses representing styles from different periods. It will showcase Nepalese artisans’outstanding talents in art and architecture. Incorporating Nepalese artistictradition and innovation decoration ideas into its construction and exhibition,the pavilion will use about 500 tons of materials including wood, metal,bricks, porcelain and stone for exhibition and decoration items。 展示亮点: 尼泊尔馆将回顾加德满都的发展历程,展示其两千余年的历史中作为建筑、艺术和文化中心的几个辉煌时刻,加德满都古都正在发生的城市的发展与扩张,以及自然与环境保护方面的机遇和挑战。 Highlights: The pavilion will recaptureimportant historic periods in its greater than 2,000-year development as acenter for architecture, art, and culture. It will also depict the currenturban expansion in Kathmandu, shedding light on the opportunities andchallenges in environment protection and development of renewable energies。 网友评论企业服务 |